Funding Requests
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Sponsorship from the PostgreSQL.Org Fundraising Group
How the Fundraising Group votes
Requesting Funding
Types of fund requests:
Examples of Fundraising Group fund requests:
- Travel to technical conferences or tradeshows
- We have provided funds to assist speakers of various PostgreSQL related conferences with their travel expenses
- SWAG (T-shirts, folders, flyers)
- Cost of operations
- PostgreSQL community infrastructure (for web, email, git, etc.)
- Professional services (video editing, graphics)
To request funding, send an email to funds-group <at> describing:
- What you are seeking funds for
- Total estimated amount of requested funds
What is considered for Funding approval
- If requesting funds to provide a talk
- Where the talk is being held
- Expected attendance to the talk
- Cost
- Will you provide the talk under a FOSS or Creative Commons license
- If requesting funds for an event
- Are you charging for the event
- Where are the proceeds going
- What will the result of the event be?
- What is the benefit to the community?
Professional Services Funding
Funding requests will be evaluated, if for professional services such as video editing, graphics design etc., according to the following (not necessarily complete) set of criteria:
- What is the benefit to the community
- At least one competitive bid
- References for each vendor
- Your recommendation for which vendor to select and why
- Provide an estimate from the selected vendor in writing
- The estimate should include exactly what will be provided
- How much wiggle room we have (executive edits, moves, adds, changes)
- When the services will be delivered
- What the deliverable is
We are *not* necessarily looking for the cheapest solution, but rather the overall *best* solution. We may be willing to pay more if a particular provider has a significantly superior track record (for example).