New in postgres 10

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What's New In PostgreSQL 10

General Links:

Big Data

Native Partitioning

Table_partitioning: Background and Limitations of PostgreSQL 10 Partitioning

In 10, partitioning tables is now an attribute of the table:

   CREATE TABLE table_name ( ... )
   [ PARTITION BY { RANGE | LIST } ( { column_name | ( expression ) }
   CREATE TABLE table_name
   PARTITION OF parent_table [ (
   ) ] FOR VALUES partition_bound_spec



   CREATE TABLE padre (
      id         SERIAL,
      pais       INTEGER,
      fch_creado TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL
   CREATE TABLE hija_2017 (
     CONSTRAINT pk_2017 PRIMARY KEY (id),
     CONSTRAINT ck_2017 CHECK (fch_creado < DATE '2015-01-01' )
   ) INHERITS (padre);
   CREATE INDEX idx_2017 ON hija_2017 (fch_creado);


   CREATE TABLE padre (
     id         SERIAL NOT NULL,
     nombre     TEXT NOT NULL,
     fch_creado TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL
   CREATE TABLE hijo_0
      PARTITION OF padre (id, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE (nombre))
   CREATE TABLE hijo_1
      PARTITION OF padre (id, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE (nombre))

This means that users no longer need to create triggers for routing data; it's all handled by the system.

Another Example:

For example, we might decide to partition the `book_history` table, probably a good idea since that table is liable to accumulate data forever. Since it's a log table, we'll range partition it, with one partition per month.

First, we create a "master" partition table, which will hold no data but forms a template for the rest of the partitions:

   libdata=# CREATE TABLE book_history (
               book_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
               status BOOK_STATUS NOT NULL,
               period TSTZRANGE NOT NULL )
               PARTITION BY RANGE ( lower (period) );

Then we create several partitions, one per month:

   libdata=# CREATE TABLE book_history_2016_09
               PARTITION OF book_history
               FOR VALUES FROM ('2016-09-01 00:00:00') TO ('2016-10-01 00:00:00');
   libdata=# CREATE TABLE book_history_2016_08
               PARTITION OF book_history
               FOR VALUES FROM ('2016-08-01 00:00:00') TO ('2016-09-01 00:00:00');
   libdata=# CREATE TABLE book_history_2016_07
               PARTITION OF book_history
               FOR VALUES FROM ('2016-07-01 00:00:00') TO ('2016-09-01 00:00:00');
   ERROR:  partition "book_history_2016_07" would overlap partition "book_history_2016_08"

As you can see, the system even prevents accidental overlap. New rows will automatically be stored in the correct partition, and SELECT queries will search the appropriate partitions.

Additional Parallelism in Query Execution

(wording from Robert Haas' blog post, linked below)

  • Parallel Merge Join: In PostgreSQL 9.6, only hash joins and nested loops can be performed in the parallel portion of a plan. In PostgreSQL 10, merge joins can also be performed in the parallel portion of the plan.
  • Parallel Bitmap Heap Scan: One process scans the index and builds a data structure in shared memory indicating all of the heap pages that need to be scanned, and then all cooperating processes can perform the heap scan in parallel.
  • Parallel Index Scan and Index-Only Scan: It's now possible for the driving table to be scanned using an index-scan or an index-only scan.
  • Gather Merge: If each worker is producing sorted output, then gather those results in a way that preserves the sort order.
  • Subplan-Related Improvements: A table with an uncorrelated subplan can appear in the parallel portion of the plan.
  • Pass Query Text To Workers: The query text associated with a parallel worker will show up in pg_stat_activity.
  • Procedural Languages


For example, if we wanted to search financial transaction history by an indexed column, I can now execute it in one-quarter the time by using four parallel workers:

   accounts=# \timing
   Timing is on.
   accounts=# SELECT bid, count(*) FROM account_history
              WHERE delta > 1000 group by bid;
   Time: 324.903 ms
   accounts=# set max_parallel_workers_per_gather=4;
   Time: 0.822 ms
   accounts=# SELECT bid, count(*) FROM account_history
              WHERE delta > 1000 GROUP BY bid;
   Time: 72.864 ms

(this assumes an index on bid, delta)


Additional FDW Push-Down

In postgres_fdw, push joins and aggregate functions to the remote server in more cases. This reduces the amount of data that must be passed from the remote server, and offloads aggregate computation from the requesting server.


Faster Analytics Queries

Replication and Scaling

Logical Replication

Streaming replication is a fast, secure and is a perfect mechanism for high availability/disaster recovery needs. As it works on the whole instance, replicating only part of the primary server is not possible, nor is it possible to write on the secondary. Logical replication will allow us to tackle those use-cases.


Suppose I decide I want to replicate just the fines and loans tables from my public library database to the billing system so that they can process amounts owed. I would create a publication from those two tables with this command:

   libdata=# CREATE PUBLICATION financials FOR TABLE ONLY loans, ONLY fines;

Then, in the billing database, I would create two tables that looked identical to the tables I'm replicating, and have the same names. They can have additional columns and a few other differences. Particularly, since I'm not copying the patrons or books tables, I'll want to drop some foreign keys that they origin database has. I also need to create any special data types or other database artifacts required for those tables. Often the easiest way to do this is selective use of the `pg_dump` and `pg_restore` backup utilities:

   origin# pg_dump libdata -Fc -f /netshare/libdata.dump
   replica# pg_restore -d libdata -s -t loans -t fines /netshare/libdata.dump

Following that, I can start a Subscription to those two tables:

   libdata=# CREATE SUBSCRIPTION financials
               CONNECTION 'dbname=libdata user=postgres host='
               PUBLICATION financials;
   NOTICE:  synchronized table states
   NOTICE:  created replication slot "financials" on publisher

This will first copy a snapshot of the data currently in the tables, and then start catching up from the transaction log. Once it's caught up, you can check status in pg_stat_subscription:

   libdata=# SELECT * FROM pg_stat_subscription;
   -[ RECORD 1 ]---------+---------------------
   subid                 | 16475
   subname               | financials
   pid                   | 167
   relid                 |
   received_lsn          | 0/1FBEAF0
   last_msg_send_time    | 2017-06-07 00:59:44
   last_msg_receipt_time | 2017-06-07 00:59:44
   latest_end_lsn        | 0/1FBEAF0
   latest_end_time       | 2017-06-07 00:59:44


Quorum Commit for Synchronous Replication

While version 9.6 introduced quorum based synchronous replication,

   synchronous_commit = 'remote_apply'

version 10 improves the synchronous_standby_names GUC by adding the FIRST and ANY keywords:

   synchronous_standby_names = ANY 2(node1,node2,node3);
   synchronous_standby_names = FIRST 2(node1,node2);

FIRST was the previous behaviour, and the nodes priority is following the list order in order to get a quorum. ANY now means that any node in the list is now able to provide the required quorum. This will give extra flexibility to complex replication setups.

Temporary replication slots

Automatically dropped at the end of the session; prevents fall-behind with less risk.

Connection Failover and Routing in libpq

Postgres 10 is allowing applications to define multiple connection points and define some properties that are expected from the backend server. This simplifies the logic at application level: there is no need for it to know exactly which node is the primary and which ones are the standbys. The new parameter can also be controlled by environment variables.


Physical Replication

Improved performance of the replay of 2-phase commits

Improved performance of replay when access exclusive locks are held on objects on the standby server. This can significantly improve performance in cases where temporary tables are being used.


Compression support for pg_receivewal

Background processes in pg_stat_activity

pg_stat_activity now includes information (including wait events) about background processes including:

  • auxiliary processes
  • worker processes
  • WAL senders

Traceable Commit / Status by Transaction-ID

PostgreSQL 10 now supports finding out the status of a recent transaction for recovery after network connection loss or crash without having to use heavyweight two-phase commit. It’s also useful for querying standbys.


SQL features

Identity Columns

PostgreSQL 10 identity columns explained

Crash Safe, Replicable Hash Indexes

(wording from Bruce Momjian's general pg10 presentation)

  • Crash safe
  • Replicated
  • Reduced locking during bucket splits
  • Faster lookups
  • More even index growth
  • Single-page pruning

Transition Tables for Triggers

This feature makes AFTER STATEMENT triggers both useful and performant by exposing, as appropriate, the old and new rows to queries. Before this feature, AFTER STATEMENT triggers had no direct access to these, and the workarounds were byzantine and had poor performance. Much trigger logic can now be written as AFTER STATEMENT, avoiding the need to do the expensive context switches at each row that FOR EACH ROW triggers require.



XMLTABLE is a SQL-standard feature that allows transforming an XML document to table format, making it much easier to process XML data in the database. Coupled with foreign tables pointing to external XML data, this can greatly simplify ETL processing.

Full Text Search support for JSON and JSONB

You can now create Full Text Indexes on JSON and JSONB columns.

This involves converting the JSONB field to a `tsvector`, then creating an specific language full-text index on it:

   libdata=# CREATE INDEX bookdata_fts ON bookdata
               USING gin (( to_tsvector('english',bookdata) ));

Once that's set up, you can do full-text searching against all of the values in your JSON documents:

   libdata=# SELECT bookdata -> 'title'
             FROM bookdata
             WHERE to_tsvector('english',bookdata) @@ to_tsquery('duke');            
    "The Tattooed Duke"
    "She Tempts the Duke"
    "The Duke Is Mine"
    "What I Did For a Duke"


SCRAM Authentication

SCRAM is more secure than MD5 and has become the standard way to do authentication. It is a salted challenge response authentication method.

Client support is required in order to switch to SCRAM authentication in PostgreSQL.

New "monitoring" roles for permission grants

Now it is possible to avoid superuser in more instances.

  • pg_read_all_settings
  • pg_read_all_stats
  • pg_stat_scan_tables
  • pg_monitor

Restrictive Policies for Row Level Security


Cross-column Statistics

Real-world data frequently contains correlated data in table columns, which can easily fool the query planner into thinking WHERE clauses are more selective than they really are, which can cause some queries to become very slow. Multivariate statistics objects can be used to let the planner learn about this, which proofs it against making such mistakes. This manual section explains the feature in more detail, and this section shows some examples. This feature in PostgreSQL represents an advance in the state of the art for all SQL databases.

Significant Expansion of Wait Events in pg_stat_activity

PostgreSQL 9.6 code was instrumented with a total of 69 wait events. PostgreSQL 10 expands the instrumentation and now includes 184 wait events. In particular 67+ I/O related events were added and 31+ latch-related events were added.

The wait_event_type and wait_event columns added to the pg_stat_activity view in Postgres 9.6 give us a significant new window to find which parts of the system are causing query delays and gives us very accurate statistics on where we are losing performance.

Query Planner Improvements

In join planning, detect cases where the inner side of the join can only produce a single row for each outer side row. During execution this allows early skipping to the next outer row once a match is found. This can also remove the requirement for mark and restore during Merge Joins, which can significantly improve performance in some cases.

Other Features

file_fdw can execute a program

example: (from Magnus Hagander's new features presentation)

   test(a int, b text)
   SERVER csv
   OPTIONS (program 'gunzip -c /tmp/data.czv.gz');

ICU Collation Support

Compile-time configuration option to use an ICU library instead of relying on OS-supplied internationalization library (which was prone to unexpected behavior)

More robust collations with ICU support in PostgreSQL 10

amcheck B-Tree consistency/corruption checking tool

PostgreSQL 10 amcheck documentation

Backwards-Incompatible Changes

Version 10 has a number of backwards-incompatible changes which may affect system administration, particularly around monitoring and backup automation. As usual, PostgreSQL users should carefully test for the incompatibilities before upgrading in production.

Change in Version Numbering

As of Version 10, PostgreSQL no longer uses three-part version numbers, but is shifting to two-part version numbers. This means that version 10.1 will be the first patch update to PostgreSQL 10, instead of a new major version. Scripts and tools which detect PostgreSQL version may be affected.

The community strongly recommends that tools use either the GUC server_version_num (on the backend), or the libpq status function PQserverVersion in libpq to get the server version. This returns a six-digit integer version number which will be consistently sortable and comparable between versions 9.6 and 10.

Version String Major Version Update Number version_num
9.6.0 9.6 0 090600
9.6.3 9.6 3 090603
10.0 10 0 100000
10.1 10 1 100001

Renaming of "xlog" to "wal" Globally (and location/lsn)

In order to avoid confusion leading to data loss, everywhere we previously used the abbreviation "xlog" to refer to the transaction log, including directories, functions, and parameters for executables, we now use "wal". Similarly, the word "location" in function names, where used to refer to transaction log location, has been replaced with "lsn".

This will require many users to reprogram custom backup and transaction log management scripts, as well as monitoring replication.

Two directories have been renamed:

9.6 Directory 10 Directory
pg_xlog pg_wal
pg_clog pg_xact

Additionally, depending on where your installation packages come from, the default activity log location may have been renamed from "pg_log" to just "log".

Many administrative functions have been renamed to use "wal" and "lsn":

9.6 Function Name 10 Function Name
pg_current_xlog_flush_location pg_current_wal_flush_lsn
pg_current_xlog_insert_location pg_current_wal_insert_lsn
pg_current_xlog_location pg_current_wal_lsn
pg_is_xlog_replay_paused pg_is_wal_replay_paused
pg_last_xlog_receive_location pg_last_wal_receive_lsn
pg_last_xlog_replay_location pg_last_wal_replay_lsn
pg_switch_xlog pg_switch_wal
pg_xlog_location_diff pg_wal_lsn_diff
pg_xlog_replay_pause pg_wal_replay_pause
pg_xlog_replay_resume pg_wal_replay_resume
pg_xlogfile_name pg_walfile_name
pg_xlogfile_name_offset pg_walfile_name_offset

Some system views and functions have had attribute renames:

  • pg_stat_replication:
    • write_location -> write_lsn
    • sent_location -> sent_lsn
    • flush_location -> flush_lsn
    • replay_location -> replay_lsn
  • pg_create_logical_replication_slot: wal_position -> lsn
  • pg_create_physical_replication_slot: wal_position -> lsn
  • pg_logical_slot_get_changes: location -> lsn
  • pg_logical_slot_peek_changes: location -> lsn

Several command-line executables have had parameters renamed:

  • pg_receivexlog has been renamed to pg_receivewal.
  • pg_resetxlog has been renamed to pg_resetwal.
  • pg_xlogdump has been renamed to pg_waldump.
  • initdb and pg_basebackup have a --waldir option rather than --xlogdir.
  • pg_basebackup now has --wal-method rather than --xlog-method.

Drop Support for FE/BE 1.0 Protocol

PostgreSQL's original client/server protocol, version 1.0, will no longer be supported as of PostgreSQL 10. Since version 1.0 was superceded by version 2.0 in 1998, it is unlikely that any existing clients still use it.

Clients older than version 6.3 may be affected.

Change Defaults around Replication and pg_basebackup

New postgresql.conf defaults:

  • wal_level = replica
  • max_wal_senders = 10
  • max_replication_slots = 10

New pg_hba.conf defaults:

  • Replication connections by default


  • WAL streaming (-X stream) now default
  • Uses temporary replication slots by default

pg_basebackup enhancements:

  • WAL streaming supported in tar mode (-Ft)
  • Better excludes

Wording from Magnus Hagander's new features presentation.

Drop Support for Floating Point Timestamps

Floating-point Timestamps are a compile-time option that have been problematic with replication for some time. It is thought that a small percentage of users are using them, partly due to the fact that few distributors enable the option. For the small number of users who are using this option a dump/restore will be required to upgrade to PostgreSQL 10. With large datasets this may be time-consuming and will need to be planned carefully.

Remove contrib/tsearch2

Tsearch2, the older, contrib module version of our built-in full text search, has been removed from contrib and will no longer be built as part of PostgreSQL packages. Users who have been continuously upgrading since before version 8.3 will need to either manually modify their databases to use the built-in tsearch objects before upgrading to PostgreSQL 10, or will need to compile tsearch2 themselves from scratch and install it.

Drop pg_dump Support for Databases Older than 8.0

Databases running on PostgreSQL version 7.4 and earlier will not be supported by 10's pg_dump or pg_dumpall. If you need to convert a database that old, use version 9.6 or earlier to upgrade it in two stages.