Sequential disk access during VACUUM for GiST
name - Constantine Kuznetsov
via email -
I work on this idea later.
But then there were problems with "jump back" to rescan parent page.
Now i propose implementation with 2 steps:
1. physical order scan. Creation(child,parent) of hash that needed to fast search parent page.
2. scan of page that be needed rescan after 1 step.
Expected project schedule
1. Implement new gistbulkdelete function. 2 weeks.
2. Test this implementation and writing regression test. 2 weeks.
3. Getting the first result and discussion with mentor. 1 week.
4. Add all memory limitation(maintenance_work_mem) to implementation. 1 week.
5. If there are problems then solve their. 2 weeks.
6. Cleaning of code, writing of coments and preparing to patch. 1 week.