PostgreSQL 16 Extension Bugs
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Jump to navigationJump to searchKnown PostgreSQL 16 problems in extension modules
- pg_store_plans:
- redis_fdw:
- sslutils:
== Builds fine, and regression tests fail:
Extensions that are not maintained
- wal2mongo (since v12)
Already working or fixed
- bgw_replication
- citus (as of 12.1.0)
- count_distinct
- credcheck (tested with 2.1)
- dbt2-extensions
- ddlx (as of 0.26)
- emaj
- extra_window_functions
- firebird_fdw (as of 1.3.1)
- geoip
- hdfs_fdw
- hll (as of 2.18)
- hypopg
- ip4r
- jsquery (as of 1.2)
- logerrors
- luapgsql
- mongo_fdw
- multicorn2 (as of 2.5)
- mysql_fdw
- ogr_fdw
- tds_fdw
- topn (as of 2.6)
- timestamp9 (as of 1.4)
- passwordcheck_cracklib
- periods
- pgcopydb
- pgcryptokey
- pgimportdoc
- pgmemcache
- pgplsh
- pgrouting35 (3.5.x)
- pgagent
- pgbouncer_fdw
- pgexporter_ext (as of 0.2.3)
- pgfincore (as of 1.3.1)
- pglogical (as of 2.4.4)
- pgmp (as of 1.0.5)
- pgq (as of 3.5.1)
- pgquarrel (added a patch from upstream which is not included in a release yet)
- pgsodium
- pgsql_tweaks
- pgtap
- pgtt (as of 3.0)
- pllua (previously pllua-ng)
- plproxy (as of 2.11.0)
- pg_auth_mon
- pg_auto_failover
- pg_background (as of 1.2)
- pg_bulkload
- pg_catcheck (as of 1.4.0)
- pg_checksums
- pg_comparator
- pg_cron (as of 1.6.0)
- pg_failover_slots (as of 1.0.1)
- pg_fkpart
- pg_dbms_job
- pg_ivm (as of 1.6)
- pg_jobmon
- pg_prioritize
- pg_qualstats
- pg_readonly: Fails on Fedora only:
- pg_repack
- pg_stat_kcache (as of 2.2.2)
- pg_stat_monitor (as of 2.0.2)
- pg_squeeze (As of 1.6.1)
- pg_track_settings
- pg_uuidv7
- pguint
- pg_statement_rollback (as of 1.4)
- pg_statviz_extension
- pg_top
- pg_wait_sampling (as of 1.1.5)
- pguri
- plprofiler (as of 4.2.2)
- plr (as of 8.4.6)
- postgis34 (3.4.x)
- sqlite_fdw (as of 2.4.0)
- system_stats (as of 2.0)
- tdigest (as of 1.4.1)
- timescaledb
- wal2json