PgCon 2024 Developer Meeting

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Rough, I (Andres) was delegated this because I was a few minutes late :)

Operations and Governance - Jonathan Katz

  • Lots of committees aren't known even by people involved in the project
  • Joe Conway plans to create a committee website
  • Lots of independently moving parts of the project
    • partially intentionally done that way, for resilience to takeover
    • also an obstruction to transparency
  • Teams:
    • Core Team - "last resort", conflicts etc
    • Committers - code obviously, plenty policy around that
    • Pginfra - manages all the postgres infrastructure, servers for git etc
    • Code of Conduct Committee - Deal with violations of the CoC
    • Security 0 deal with security issues in our code
      • CNA we can now assign our own CVEs
    • Release - manage releases of postgres
      • RMT
      • Press
    • Translators
    • Packaging - build binary packages of postgres
    • Press
    • Planet
    • moderation
    • pgweb
    • twitter etc
    • Contributors team
    • Funds
    • Google Summer of Code (GSoC)
    • PGCA - Trademark etc
    • Postgres Women
    • Funds Groups
    • Events Canada, organizing this conference
    • I missed transcribing some, Jonathan missed listing some
  • Amazing that it works, but it also often doesn't
  • Robert: Really important to have list public, for volunteers to be able to oin
  • Karen Jax: staffing, not manning teams
  • Joe: Quick recap of the plans for listing of the teams on the website
    • some teams already have pages, but there's no coherent way to find those
    • have index with brief description and links to pages

Core Team - Tom Lane

  • At Berkeley, Postgres then Postgres 95, a few outside users
  • Marc Fournier volunteered to host development
  • Initial Core Team:
    • 1996:
      • Mark Fournier
      • Bruce Mojian
      • Bryan Henderson
    • 1998:
      • Jan Wiek
      • Tom Lane
  • Initially did nearly all the work
  • Early additional responsibility:
    • releases
    • infrastructure
    • committter selection
  • Additional responsibility
    • Liaison
    • Security
    • Trademark
    • really because ther wasn't anybody else
  • Core never did:
    • Website
    • Advocacy
    • Fundraising
  • 2000: Landmark / Great Bridge
    • started a postgres services company
    • closed in .com bust
    • Asked: How can this be done well with the community?
      • Not enough bandwidth / experience in core *> delegate
    • Delegate:
      • security, in 2007
      • pginfra, in 2011
        • took over more incrementally
        • Tom doesn't remember all the details
        • some small preexisting responsibilities
      • Trademark issues
        • PgCAC, formally incorporated NPO
      • Release, in 2015
        • are we ready
        • do we need to release
        • about 2017 we switch to time based releases, for both minor and major releases
      • RMT, in 2016
      • Committter selection, in 2015
        • private committers list
      • CoC, in 2016
        • initial idea was for core to do enforcement
        • now CoC does that
    • One would think core doesn't have work after all that delegation
    • Still lots of coordination / "cat herding"
    • Important teams overlap with Core, CoCC is explicitly separate
    • largely independent teams
      • Advocacy
      • Funds
    • Questions:
      • Stacey: Core is self selecting, plans to change that?
        • Tom:
          • Not currently
          • Should definitely be long-term members for institutional memory
        • Bruce: Takes a while to get there, we were looking for people a few times, didn't work out
        • Robert: Self selecting is an issue, but not clear what the solution is
        • Dave: It's hard to model something resilient against takeover
        • Karen: At least we should be honest about this issue toward the community
        • Heikki: Community is very concensus drive, hard to make decision, but also good to not piss off people. Core team has been decent at that.
        • Tom: Policy that there is not more than 50% of one company
        • Robert: Feels awkward to be "steered" by a something as opaque

Slides: Core Team Update

Security Team - Noah

  • 17 people
  • receives reports of security issues
  • issues come from three groups
    • postgres devs
    • people we haven't heard of, typically something operating automated scanner
      • our mailing lists are public, you know?!?
    • occasionally reports by "real" security researchers
  • fixes developed by
    • reports
    • security team members
    • "outsourcing program", to non-security member committers
  • 7 security issues in the last year, one high risk one
  • We are now a CNA
    • CVEs are assigned for most vulnerabilities
    • new: encouragement to become our own numbering authority
    • why worthwhile: CVEs assigned by outside numbering authorities by other numbering authorities
    • with CNA we're supposed to be asked first
    • now can update metadata for old CVEs
    • also now responsible for assigning CVEs in the wider postgres space
    • also get asked about filling out security questionaire
  • Question to audience: Problems with security model?
    • Dave Cramer: Process more complicated than github's
      • tarballs are released, commit messages mails are suppressed, but everyone can look at commits
      • in theory we could make fix in private repo, like we did once before

PostgreSQL Community Association - Steve Singer


  • Special purpose entitity to focus on intelectual property matters
  • Maintain and protect assets (trademarks, domain names, not code)
  • does not hold copyright on postgres code, held by individuals
  • Canadian Not for Profit
  • Board:
    • Dave Page
    • Steve Siunger
    • Jonathan Katz
    • Jaime Casanova
    • Peter Eisentraut
    • Marc Fournier
  • self selecting membership, by board (past and present members)
    • aware of issues around that
  • Why:
    • ensure fair use of PostgreSQL brand assets
    • otherwise somebody else can call something postgres
    • requires enforcement, otherwise trademark is abandoned and can't be enforced
    • keep PG fre and open source
  • Where:
    • Canada
    • US
    • Europe
  • How:
    • controlled fair use allowed
    • example: Brand names involving postgres need to be licensed
    • standard license for templates, but often companies want modified terms
  • Key Activities:
    • Oppose Trademark Registrations
      • some conflicts around that are public, others not
    • Ask that the trademarks be used properly
    • License where needed
  • Highlights
    • Fundacion PostgreSQL conclusion (after three years and lots of money)
    • Trademark oppositions, cease & desists
    • Donor Recognition Program
  • Why private?
    • public statement can have legal consequences, need to be reviewed by lawyers, costs money for review
    • rather work amiciably, rather than public shaming, often succeeds
    • some unlicensed uses are because we didn't have the time/money to do something about them
  • Financial highlights:
    • Net loss: CAD 11k
    • Goal: Improve financials via Donor recognition program
    • Various levels that grant public recognition
  • Question:

Code of Conduct Committee - Eliza Benett

  • Eliza is chair since 2014
  • Overview of the last year
    • Representation:
      • 5 members, 3 male identifying, 2 female, plus chair
      • geographic spread: 2 from Canada, 1 from Asial, one american in Asia, 1 from Europe
      • Volunteers, selected by current members
      • How can group size be increased
    • Activity
      • 8 complaints in 2023/24 (inappropriate conduct on community channels (2), at community events (2), non-community channel (3))
      • Outcomes: no violation (3), out of scope (2), corrective recommended and taken (2), corrective action recommended (1)
      • processing done by lead investigator, always with at least one other person
      • [couldn't keep up]
    • Trends:
      • 2023/24 have been busy
      • Complaints on social media, [couldn't keep up]
    • Opportunities:
      • need new members
      • update CoC policy, hasn't bene updated significantly since introduction
      • improve enforcement, appeals process
      • inform community events about CoC existance / use of CoC[C]
    • Revisions:
      • Roles & responsibilities
      • Scope clarification
      • Appeals process
      • Record sharing and retention, records exist since 2019 (unsure)
      • Communication processes
      • ....
      • proposed timeline: Summer 2024, engegement on policy revisions, September: 2024, in effect

Slides: Code of Conduct Committee Update

Port report - Thomas Munro

  • slides
  • lots of platform that postgres used to run on, but doesn't anymore
  • still support about 11 platforms
  • most users on linux, some on windows, the rest probably miniscule
  • Robert Haas and Devrim Gunduz think there are way more on windows than Thomas guessed
  • Dave Page says some windows apps embed postgres
  • Estimate about problem per platform, overwhelmingly windows
    • Robert: Lots of it just perl crap
  • Highlights:
    • AIX was dropped in 2017, suddenly IBM folks appeared, rely on Postgres
      • AIX is weird, unusual linker/object format
      • Old OS versions in buildfarm
      • Vendor compiler requires extra work
        • some bugs got fixed
    • HP-UX was dropped in 16
      • no real complaints, one mention
    • Solaris <= 11.3 in 17 was dropped
      • solaris is less painful
      • user interest, solaris buildfarm animals by users
      • also illumos
      • they stopped increasing versions after 11.4
        • should we drop support for the sunpro compiler?
      • won't support newer things like direct-io
    • OpenBSD:
      • Short supported version window, buildfarm animals exist that are very old
      • uses libressl
    • Linux+musl
      • different libc, a few incompatibilities that we have to deal with
      • Have a buildfarm animal now
    • Windows:
      • Removed old perl based build system, did make things easier
      • Thomas never used windows, despite working for Microsoft
      • Locale support is very unstable, breaks frequently
        • particularly with Turkish locale, breaks all PG databases with the locale, but also some others
      • truncations fail occasionally and causes corruptions
      • Socket event loss, causes weird problems
      • Thomas tries to fix things, but doesn't use windows, hard to find testing
      • Thomas finds our state of windows support embarrassing
      • We ought to make some decisions to improve the situation, requires making dropping some filesystems
        • who makes decision?

Group 1

  • Action item: bugtracker
    • Presented by Matthias Van de Meent
    • would be useful to have a bug-manager responsibility, likely longer than a CFM
    • no agreement: add feature to track a commitfest entry for threads without patches
    • Same topic was also discussed by Group 4 (Peter Eisentraut)
      • We agreed that we should have one
      • Who would curate? Hire somebody?
      • What software to use? Gitlab?
    • Melanie: Is it it really a technical problem?
    • Andres: We seem to have started having agreement on having a bugtracker, that's different than in the past
    • Heikki: Some tracking would be useful, even if dumping ground
    • Robert: Relying on bugtracking / CF tracking person doing all the work on summarizing huge threads can't scale
    • Melanie: Fixing bugs is more important than new features
    • Bharat: Authors should summarize state in commit messages, several agreeing with that (Noah, Steve, Robert)
    • Robert: How to balance responsiblity to deal with bugreports and feature work
    • Melanie: Responsiblity of somebody doing triage would not be in-depth work, just high level triage
    • Alvaro: Just wishing there weren't bug doesn't work
    • Jelte: Knowing about many people are affected is useful
  • Action item: tooling
    • More developer oriented tooling are required, including things like pull request
    • Platforms like github are problematic due to restrictions imposed by companies (e.g. github was restricted in Iran for a while)
    • we could use a hosted gitlab, or hosted by other open source project
    • Matthias: Platform notifications are hard to use
    • Robert: Real problem is changing the workflow
    • Andreas: We could have patch review events, to get more people involved?
    • Jonathan: Similar to python sprints
    • Robert: That's likely not solving problems with complicated patches
    • Andreas: Could do something like docs on a separate platform

Group 4

  • Presented by Peter Eisentraut
  • Action item: Windows port
    • Few / no core developers really care about windows port
    • Users are less sophisticated and communicate less
    • Andrew Dunstan would look at one of the pending technical issues
    • Problem areas
      • locale support - default to windows?
      • what's with refs - it doesn't support posix mode
    • Heikki: Should we just drop windows, similar to AIX
    • Robert: Bugs like the windows corruption issue is not enough reason to drop support, sometimes we just have bugs
  • Action item: Freeze policy
    • Peter and Matthias
    • Group thought that this year was an anomaly, doesn't necessarily need a large scale change
    • Encourage more incremental work, don't require perfection, leading to pushing very late in cycle
      • Prioritize architecture of details like default values
    • Impact on feature freeze on release cycle
      • Branch earlier, to not have to postpone as much, group didn't really have agreement
      • Melanie: Issues with backporting, focus on stability
      • Matthias: Doesn't see a point reviewing during feature freeze
      • Robert: Committer authored patches are part of the problem, authors have control over time
      • Vik Faering: Once stable branch is forked, nobody cares about stable branch
      • Tom: Agrees
      • Matthias: Can strike balance, by moving branch up a month or such
      • Robert: One question is if there are more reverts, that's bad after the branch
      • Jonathan: Not convinced that that's really the issue, we had important fixes late
      • Robert: Not really addressing the issue of large stuff late in the cycle
      • Matthias: Still a problem not being able to get anything in
      • Melanie: Don't think many agree with you
  • Action item: yubikeys for committing
    • no agreement on forcing, but encouraging is ok
    • laptop security etc would be good
  • Action item: Tooling
    • Should be easier to find patches that e.g. have tests that never worked, similar tooling things

Group 2

  • Presented by: Andreas Scherbaum
  • Action item: Exhibition Effort
    • we're not showing up at enough non-PG conferences
    • Jonathan: PGUS has some funding, but are not covering that much
    • More efforts to support groups like pgWomen
    • consider having an application developer oriented conferences
      • Stacey: At conferences like djangocon people say they like postgres, but feel like postgres conferes aren't "for them".
      • Stacey: Perhaps collaborating with conferences like djangocon would help reach people and then get them to postgres
    • People should submit talks at more conferes
  • Action item: SPI
    • Jonathan: SPI is opaque, we don't know how much money we have, we get money from donations
    • Heikki: Why is SPI not funding pgca
    • Steve: SPI is very complicated to deal with, partially due to being out of the country, partially just SPI being SPI
    • Jonathan: SPI didn't give money for, that should have been easy
    • Alvaro: Could SPI pay for a bug manager, agreement in audience
    • Robert: Companies could also provide staff tracking for
  • Action item: Benchmarking
    • TPC is still relevant
    • Better testing needed
    • Find way to run meaningful test with every relevant patch
    • Jonathan: There's lots of money in the postgres world, there should be money for better testing
  • Action item: Commitfest
    • Not enough reviewers, need more
    • Idea: review events

Notes from Andreas Scherbaum

  • Exhibition Effort
    • Go to other conferences with PostgreSQL presence and content (have a booth)
    • Ask community to submit talks
    • Support different efforts to grow the community (like pgWomen)
    • Consider a joint event with another community, such as `django`
  • Separate discussion about SPI membership
    • And how to finance the community
    • Come up with ideas to use the funds, and organize them into useful and doable form
  • Tooling
    • Consider in-person events for recruiting new people
      • For example, a post-conference Community Day similar to sprints to give people a chance to become involved
    • Consider keeping documentation in GitHub/GitLab
  • Benchmarks
    • TPC is still relevant
    • Update TPC tooling or get tooling
    • Find a way to run meaningful tests with every relevant patch
    • Create a test plan which can be presented to test sponsors
  • Commitfest
    • Not enough reviews, and reviewers
    • Try to test patches on buildfarm before commit
    • Have patch review sessions at conferences

Group 3

  • Presented by: Jeff Davis
  • Action item: Protocol changes
    • Which features do we want?
    • How do we introduce changes, dealing with breakages?
      • new protocol version?
      • optional features?
    • Desired features
      • Compression
      • Proxies and conneciton poolers
      • Transparent column encryption
      • Pgpool would like to have sequence numbers
    • Required vs optional features
      • Depends on implementation complexity on the driver side?
    • Concerns around
      • too partial solutions
      • genericity introducing unnecessary roundtrips
      • concerns about breakages
    • Robert: How do we put various efforts into something coherent
  • Action item: Surprising behavior around roles and privileges
    • Some of this is user hostile
    • Users can't control what code is executed with their privileges
    • Function authors don't know what their function will do
      • requires setting search_path, but most won't
    • There's no way to drop privileges
    • Hacks and special cases
      • e.g. around table maintenance tasks like REINDEX and logical replication
        • it's safe to reindex, but not safe to insert
    • We define a lot of these to not be security issues, but they often are for users.
      • We don't even document much of this
    • Noah: Is it really a problem, we document this?
    • Jeff: Yes, we document this just for security definer, but it's also a problem in other situations
    • Noah: Now agree
    • Concensus: People other than Robert and Jeff need to get involved, including at some point agreeing to do something