Performance QA Testing

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This page centralizes the efforts on performances QA testing: available hardware, available tools, continuous benchmarking effort...

The PostgreSQL Performance lab is being created to allow community members of the Open Source database PostgreSQL to have enterprise class hardware to test on.

The testing that will occur includes industry standard workloads such as OLTP, DSS and BI. Furthermore we will also use the hardware for other practical and customer oriented testing to improve scalability (processor utilization, i/o, load balancing, etc.) and managing large data sets (loading, backups, restores, replication, etc).


For donation inquiries, please contact Funds Group <funds-group @t>.



  • look into sysbench - it has some issues with locking on postgresql but at least read-only it seems to work fine. See SysBench for more info.
  • collecting all the various small samples and testcases posted over the last few years on -performance, -hackers & -bugs and put them into a test set
  • consider doing tests using pgbench -M (simple|extended|prepared) to catch regressions in one of those modes
  • resurrect Jan Wiecks tpc-w implementation available on PgFoundry
  • add full text search benchmarking by using ftsbench from teodor
  • XML benchmarking ?


see the sample databases page for some free datasources
