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List of past PDXPUG talks.


2019-01-24 | Multi-master Replication                                                    | Mark Wong
2019-02-21 | Temporal Databases: Theory and Postgres                                     | Paul Jungwirth
2019-03-21 | Databases and Python                                                        | Hannah Stepanek
2019-04-18 | Postgres with non-blocking io and Scala                                     | Grant Holly
2019-05-16 | Disaster Recovery and HA Planning                                           | Mark Wong
2019-06-20 | Accessing Postgres with Java                                                | Will McLean
2019-07-17 | OSCON BoF                                                                   | group
2019-08-15 | PostGIS                                                                     | Jason Voelkel
2019-09-19 | Vitess                                                                      | Grant Holly


2018-02-15 | Automatic for the People                                                    | Josh Berkus
2018-03-15 | Postgres Container Workflows                                                | Grant Holly
2018-04-19 | PUDL: Portland Urban Data Lake                                              | Kristin Tufte
2018-05-17 | Learning SQL                                                                | Dylan Hornstein
2018-06-21 | Intro to OmniDB                                                             | Mark Wong
2018-08-16 | Stored Procedures                                                           | Mark Wong
2018-09-10 | PDX PgDay                                                                   | group


2017-01-07 | pglogical                                                                   | Mark Wong
2017-02-16 | Just enough PostGIS: a brief intro to spatial data in Postgres              | Darrell Fuhriman
2017-03-16 | Intro to Postgres                                                           | Grant Holly
2017-04-20 | 9.6 Features                                                                | Josh Berkus
2017-05-18 | PyCon booth                                                                 | group
2017-06-15 | Amazon Aurora (PostgreSQL)                                                  | Kevin Jernigan
2017-07-20 | Pg 10 Beta                                                                  | Josh Berkus
2017-09-21 | Postgres BI Performance Enhancements & News From the Pg-XL Project          | Mark Wong
2017-10-12 | Golang + Pg                                                                 | Grant Holly


2016-11-17 | Lean Coffee                                                                 | group
2016-01-17 | RDS Postgres: A Journey Down the Amazon                                     | Gabrielle Roth
2016-02-18 | Incremental Schema Discovery via JSON Wrangling                             | Jason Owen
2016-03-17 | Big Data with Postgres 9.5                                                  | Josh Berkus
2016-04-21 | How to hide a petabyte-scale Data warehouse inside a small OLTP database    | Veronika Megler, Eric Ferreira, Tony Gibbs
2016-05-19 | PostgreSQL Performance Presentation 9.6devel Edition                        | Mark Wong
2016-06-16 | HA PostgreSQL Cluster In A Box                                              | Josh Berkus
2016-07-21 | 10th Anniversary                                                            | group
2016-08-18 | ETL Throwdown/Up                                                            | Gabrielle Roth, Martin Zajac, Brian Panulla
2016-09-15 | Round Table                                                                 | group
2016-10-20 | DOT Smart City Challenge                                                    | Kristen Tufte


2015-01-15 | RDS Postgres: A Journey Down the Amazon                                     | Gabrielle Roth
2015-02-19 | Using Bucardo to Migrate your Pg database to RDS with minimal downtime      | Devid Kerr
2015-03-19 | Creating an auto-partition strategy                                         | Ed Snajder
2015-04-16 | Aquameta release                                                            | Eric Hanson
2015-05-21 | Crosstab, Sensu, Puppet                                                     | Gabrielle Roth, Michelle Franz, Grant Holly
2015-06-18 | Pg Performance, 9.5 Edition                                                 | Mark Wong
2015-07-22 | OSCON BoF                                                                   | Gabrielle Roth, Mark Wong
2015-08-20 | Record Linking (entity resolution)                                          | Robert Berry
2015-09-17 | 10 Examples of Datafication                                                 | Eric Hanson
2015-10-15 | Sharded Postgres with PL/Proxy                                              | Gavin McQuillan
2015-11-19 | Postgres, JSON, ChatOps, oh my!                                             | Andrew Kreps


2014-01-16 | "Something UPSERT-y"                                                        | Peter Geoghegan
2014-02-20 | Monitoring Postgres at New Relic                                            | David Kerr
2014-03-20 | An Adventure in Data Modeling: The Entity-Attribute-Value Model             | Mark Wong
2014-04-17 | Graph Eye for the Relationally Fly                                          | Brian Panulla
2014-05-15 | The Final Crontab                                                           | Selena Deckelmann
2014-06-19 | Postgres on Docker                                                          | David Kerr
2014-07-22 | OSCON BoF                                                                   | Gabrielle Roth, Mark Wong, Josh Berkus, Rob Treat
2014-08-21 | Elasticsearch & Postgres, A Working Relationship                            | Jim Newman
2014-09-18 | Using Postgresql to enable Google-like Search                               | Jay Riddle
2014-10-16 | New Relic + PgOpen Recap                                                    | Andrew, Gabrielle Roth, John Melesky
2014-11-20 | 9.4 Test Drive                                                              | Group


2013-01-17 | PostgreSQL in the Cloud                                                     | John Melesky
2013-02-21 | Dawn of a New Backup Era                                                    | Selena Deckelmann
2013-03-21 | VACUUM and You                                                              | Gabrielle Roth
2013-04-18 | Extreme Database Makeover - Portal Edition                                  | William van Hevelingin
2013-05-16 | Postgres at Rentrak                                                         | Emily Strickland
2013-06-20 | Lightning Talks                                                             | group
2013-07-24 | Unofficial OSCON BoF                                                        | Josh Berkus and Dimitri Fontaine
2013-08-15 | YAMS Aren't Sweet Potatoes                                                  | Mark Wong
2013-09-19 | JSON                                                                        | Andrew Kreps
2013-10-17 | Urban Footprint                                                             | Garlynn Woodsong
2013-11-21 | Postgres at Aquameta                                                        | Eric Hanson


2012-01-19 | Database Trending                                                           | Tim Bruce
2012-02-16 | Locks, etc                                                                  | John Melesky
2012-03-15 | NoSQL for People Living Under a Rock                                        | Brent Dombrowski
2012-04-19 | Data Near Here: Building a Search Engine for Data Using PostgreSQL          | Veronika Megler
2012-05-17 | Replication Without Tears                                                   | Ed Snajder
2012-06-21 | Databases from Android                                                      | Daniel Johnson
2012-07-18 | OSCON BoF                                                                   | 
2012-08-16 | Vertically Scaling Postgres                                                 | David Kerr
2012-09-20 | Sqitch                                                                      | David Wheeler
2012-10-18 | Query Tuning                                                                | group
2012-11-15 | Scaling Database Maintenance                                                | Greg Smith


2011-01-20 | Android + Postgres                                                          | Mark Wong
2011-02-17 | Maintaining Terabytes: 10 Things to Watch Out For When PostgresSQL Gets Big | Selena Deckelmann
2011-03-17 | PostgreSQL Logging                                                          | Gabrielle Roth
2011-04-21 | Distributing Extensions on PGXN                                             | David Wheeler
2011-05-19 | Catastrophic Data Loss                                                      | Melissa Hollingsworth
2011-06-16 | Normalization                                                               | Melissa Hollingsworth
2011-07-21 | R and Postgres                                                              | Chris Monsere
2011-08-18 | Lessons learned from managing way too many database servers                 | Rob Wultsch
2011-09-15 | Dumb Simple PostgreSQL Performance                                          | Joshua Drake
2011-10-20 | Upgrading PostGIS from 8.something to 9.0                                   | Brent Dombrowski
2011-11-17 | collectd & postgres                                                         | Mark Wong


2010-01-21 | OBAMA!                                                                      | John Naylor
2010-02-18 | Over Normalization from a developers point of view.                         | Ben Hengst
2010-03-18 | Alpha Testing Party                                                         | group
2010-04-15 | Introduction to Managing and Troubleshooting PostgreSQL on Windows          | Tim Bruce
2010-05-20 | Normalization                                                               | Melissa Hollingsworth
2010-06-17 | What's New in PostgreSQL 9.0                                                | Gabrielle Roth and Mark Wong
2010-07-15 | Case Study: Decagon Devices                                                 | Brian Kurle
2010-08-19 | plparrot                                                                    | Jonathan Leto
2010-09-16 | PostGIS                                                                     | Edwin Knuth
2010-10-21 | node.js                                                                     | Aurynn Shaw
2010-11-18 | OSS Business Intelligence and Metrics                                       | Michael Ewan and Arjun Nath


2009-01-15 | Lightning Talks                                                             | Kristin @ CIDR, Rafael @ HaskellDB, Gabrielle @ pgnsmpd, Len @ PSU DB Course using real data
2009-02-19 | Data Visualization                                                          | Ed Borasky
2009-03-19 | eXtreme Database Makeover (Episode 2): PORTAL                               | Kristin Tufte
2009-04-16 | MySQL war stories: Tales from the Crater                                    | Chris May
2009-05-21 | Introductory Database Education with PostgreSQL                             | Len Shapiro
2009-06-18 | BOF at OSBridge                                                             | Josh Berkus
2009-07-16 | PostGIS                                                                     | Webb Sprague
2009-08-20 | Metro simulation database                                                   | Jim Cser
2009-09-17 | Unit Test Your Database                                                     | David Wheeler
2009-10-15 | Bucardo:  Replication with Tiny Little Goats                                | Selena Deckelmann
2009-11-19 | Materialized Views                                                          | Dan Colish


2008-01-17 | 10 things you can use in PostgreSQL 8.3                                     | Selena Deckelmann
2008-02-26 | Extreme Database Makeover - RT                                              | David Wheeler
2008-03-20 | Managing Internet Services                                                  | Ed Sawicki
2008-04-17 | Ruby On Rails Essentials for PostgreSQL Enthusiasts                         | David Wheeler
2008-05-15 | PostgreSQL for Pythoneers                                                   | Jason Kirtland
2008-06-19 | The Relational Model                                                        | Jeff Davis
2008-07-01 | Something at OSCON, but we don't remember what                              | 
2008-08-21 | TSearch2 and Materialized Views                                             | Lloyd Albin
2008-09-18 | Visual Planner                                                              | Tom Raney
2008-10-16 | Configuring PITR                                                            | Selena Deckelmann
2008-11-20 | New Features in 8.4                                                         | Selena Deckelmann 


2007-01-30 | Oceanography with PostgreSQL                                                | Bill Howe
2007-02-20 | DOMAINs                                                                     | David Wheeler
2007-03-20 | APPEND + Tom's pg_hba.conf                                                  | Gabrielle Roth
2007-04-17 | Replication with SLONY                                                      | Ian Burell
2007-05-15 | Object-Oriented Database Design                                             | David Wheeler
2007-06-12 | Guava                                                                       | James Terwilliger
2007-07-01 | PgDay/OSCON BoF                                                             | 
2007-08-16 | Synchronized Scanning                                                       | Jeff Davis
2007-09-20 | Relational Algebra                                                          | James Terwilliger and Rafael de Jesus Fernandez-Moctezuma
2007-10-18 | Performance                                                                 | Mark Wong
2007-11-15 | ptop                                                                        | Mark Wong


2006-07-19 | PL/PgSQL                                                                    | David Wheeler
2006-08-15 | Pg Administration                                                           | Selena Deckelmann
2006-09-19 | Performance                                                                 | Selena Deckelmann and Gabrielle Roth
2006-10-17 | PostgreSQL 8.2 & MySQL caveats                                              | David Wheeler
2006-11-21 | Performance and Benchmarking, Things I Do at the OSDL                       | Mark Wong
2006-12-19 | Gabrielle's new database design; and EXPLAIN                                | Gabrielle Roth and Selena Deckelmann