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pgsql-hackers thread: Presentation:

Work-in-progress git branch:


Global variables

Global variables in PostgreSQL fall into a few different categories:

  • per-session state
  • pointers to shared memory areas
  • other variables that are initialized at postmaster startup and never change after that
  • constants

Many global variables are used to hold GUCs, and they can fall into any of those categories depending on whether they're PGC_POSTMASTER or PGC_USERSET.

The plan:

  • Add annotations to all global variables, to mark which category they fall into. Variables holding per-session state are turned into thread-local variables. The distinction between the other categories is just for documentation purposes.
  • Provide a tool that can list all global variables that are missing the annotations (pgguclifetimes). Add that as a compile-time check ideally. This will also be useful for extension authors to find missing annotations in extensions.
    • alternative idea: could we use a simple perl script for this, like we do for the PGDLLIMPORT case?
  • Potential standalone value:
    • "modified once" annotated variables could be put in a separate binary section which would improve performance
    • Could help with the engineering overhead of figuring out where to initialize at postmaster startup


Extensions will make the transition at their own pace

  • Add field to control file or the PG_MODULE magic to mark whether an extension supports multi-process mode only, or multi-threaded model only, or both
    • other considerations: good documentation will be key, also need to work with the extension community to build understanding and consensus
  • What about Perl, other PLs?
  • Robert volunteered to look into this at

PIDs in user-facing interfaces

A few places expose PIDs to users:

  • pg_terminate_backend(<pid>)
  • pg_stat_activity
  • query cancellation


  • Replace PID with a thread id.
  • Could use OS thread ID, but behavior isn't totally consistent across platforms
  • Consensus at seemed to be that inventing our own 32-bit thread ID would be better
  • Possibly pgprocno + counter
  • Need to make sure we don't reuse thread IDs too quickly, else we might terminate the wrong backend.
  • Potential standalone value: decoupling the relationship between thread and session could enable other features
  • Robert volunteered to look into this at

Unix Signals

We use Unix signals between processes currently. It's hard to use them for inter-thread communication within the same process. When you send a signal, you send it to a process, and any thread in the process can handle it.

  • Refactor inter-process signals with something like Procsignal and latches
  • With a single-process, you cannot easily "kill <pid>" to send SIGTERM or SIGUSR1 to a single backend anymore. We can provide a "pg_ctl signal" command to replace that.
  • Description/Tasks/Components:
    • timers (which use sigalarm)
    • deadlock detection? (already done with waitlatch so nothing happening in signal handlers so nothing to do here?)
    • Sub-sub projects
      • multiplex waiting on a latch and don't rely on signals (latchification project -- replacing setlatch with interrupt driven concept)
      • Abstraction for the C11 thread functions that is portable (think about C11 features and C99 compiler)
  • Thomas and Heikki volunteered to look into this at

Replace non-thread safe library functions with thread-safe variants

  • strerror() -> strerror_r()
  • getopt_long()
    • getopt_long implementation used for windows could be used for other platforms
    • rearchitect postmaster startup to change options passing
  • Make pg_strtok() re-entrant
  • not all string functions with _l have been implemented in glibc
  • Peter and Nathan volunteered to look into this at


  • Add a GUC to enable multi-threaded mode
  • Replace fork() with posix_create(). Yay!
  • Make virtual filedescriptors (fd.c) work with threads
    • Heikki volunteered to look into this at (with Andres identifying performance fallout)
    • increase the limit for max number of file descriptors
    • diagnose and fix the performance fallout (due to sharing VFD cache and maybe because some OSes don't cope well with large numbers of file descriptors)
  • Make bootparse.y and other bison/flex generated code re-entrant
    • main parser is already done, but others need work, which is thought to be simple
    • Peter volunteered to look into this at
  • Refactoring guc_tables.c
    • currently uses memory address of global GUC variable (and that won't work anymore with threads)
  • Refactor connection acceptance
    • Currently the postmaster accepts connections and then spawns a process
    • In the threaded model we'll want 2 processes, a supervisor that only restarts the other process, and the main process with all the threads
    • But that means connection acceptance needs to be split out from supervisor tasks

Open Questions

  • If an extension launches threads today, it might call SPI or other PostgreSQL functions from a different thread. That works today, if you're careful and only do that from one thread at at time. After replacing global variables with thread-local variables, that no longer works. Or did it work? We have things like longjmp() and stack depth checks that would already break that?