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PostgreSQL builtin & contrib

Statistics collector

PostgreSQL collects lots of data on its own and offers it via the pg_stat(io)_ system views

contrib extensions

The following extensions offer access to Postgres internals which may be of interest or collect additional information. Most of them are shipped with Postgres (the -contrib packages may need to be installed) and can be activated via the extension interface.


pg_stat_statements tracks all queries that are executed on the server and records average runtime per query "class" among other parameters.


pg_stat_plans extends on pg_stat_statements and records query plans for all executed quries. This is very helpful when you're experiencing performance regressions due to inefficient query plans due to changed parameters or table sizes.


pgstattuple can generate statistics for tables and indexes, showing how much space in each table & index is consumed by live tuples, deleted tuples as well as how much unused space is available in each relation.


pg_buffercache gives you introspection into Postgres' shared buffers, showing how many pages of which relations are currently held in the cache.

External projects

CLI tools


pg_view is a Python-based tool to quickly get information about running databases and resources used by them as well as correlate running queries and why they might be slow.


pg_activity is a htop like application for PostgreSQL server activity monitoring, written in Python.


pgmetrics collects a lot of information and statistics from a running PostgreSQL server and displays it in easy-to-read text format or export it as JSON for scripting.


pgstats is a command line tool written in C which can sample various PostgreSQL informations. It also provides a tool to generate CSV files to graph the pgstats metrics.


pgcenter is an admin tool for working with PostgreSQL stats, written in Golang. It provides top like viewer with a few admin functions, tool for recording stats into files and building reports.



check_pgactivity is designed to monitor PostgreSQL clusters from any Nagios like software. It offers many options to measure and monitor useful performance metrics.


check_postgres is a command line tool which is designed to be run from software like Icinga, MRTG or as a standalone tool. It can monitor many aspects of the database and trigger warnings when thresholds are violated.

Interfaces & collectors

These tools either offer an interface to PostgreSQL monitoring-relevant data or can aggregate and prepare them for other systems.


pgsnmpd can run as a standalone SNMP server and implements the RFC 1697 MIB which is generic RDBMS MIB

This is useful for network management systems which are limited to SNMP protocol.


pganalyze/collector is a tool which collects pg_stat_plans query information as well as various performance-relevant database parameters and converts them into a JSON structure for easy ingestion in other systems.


pgexporter is Prometheus exporter for PostgreSQL server metrics.


prometheus/postgres_exporter is Prometheus exporter for PostgreSQL server metrics.


weaponry/pgSCV is a multi-purpose monitoring agent and Prometheus-compatible exporter for PostgreSQL, Pgbouncer, etc.

Generic monitoring solutions with plugins


There has been work done on building a Postgres template for Cacti, Details can be found at the Cacti page.


Circonus is a general purpose monitoring, analytic and alerting saas that has predefined queries for postgres to monitor some of the common metrics and checks like connections, transactions, WALs, vacuum and table stats. More information can be found here

ClusterControl by Severalnines

ClusterControl is an all-inclusive open source database management system that allows you to deploy, monitor, manage and scale your database environments. ClusterControl provides the basic functionality you need to get PostgreSQL up-and-running using the deployment wizard. It offers Advanced Performance Monitoring - ClusterControl monitors queries and detects anomalies with built-in alerts. Deployment and monitoring are free, with management features as part of a paid version.


Datadog is a proprietary saas that collects postgres metrics on connections, transactions, row crud operations, locks, temp files, bgwriter, index usage, replication status, memory, disk, cpu and lets you visualize and alert on those metrics alongside your other system and application metrics.

Foglight for PostgreSQL

Foglight for PostgreSQL offers a comprehensive monitoring solution that emphasizes detecting, diagnosing, and resolving issues. The product offers real-time monitoring and alerting through dashboards, rules, and reports from server-level metrics to individual query performance. Monitoring is supported from PostgreSQL version 9.1 for all platforms and includes drop-in replacements such as Aurora for PostgreSQL.

The solution is part of the industry-leading database monitoring platform Foglight from Quest Software.


PostgreSQL Plugins developed in Perl are included in the Core Munin Distribution. The following plugins are included by default: postgres_bgwriter, postgres_locks_, postgres_tuples_, postgres_cache_, postgres_querylength_, postgres_users, postgres_checkpoints, postgres_scans_, postgres_xlog, postgres_connections_, postgres_size_, postgres_connections_db, postgres_transactions_

PyMunin includes a Multigraph Munin Plugin written in Python that implements the following graphs: pg_connections, pg_diskspace, pg_blockreads, pg_xact, pg_tup_read, pg_tup_write, pg_blockreads_detail, pg_xact_commit_detail, pg_xact_rollback_detail, pg_tup_return_detail, pg_tup_fetch_detail, pg_tup_delete_detail, pg_tup_update_detail, pg_tup_insert_detail


NewRelic is a proprietary SaaS application monitoring solution which offers a PostgreSQL plugin maintained by EnterpriseDB.

Okmeter is a proprietary SaaS that collects a whole lot of PostgreSQL status and operational data: over 50 types of metrics on connections, transactions, table CRUD operations, locks, bgwriter, index usage and ops, replication, autovacuum. Also, query timings, disk and CPU usage by queries from pg_stat_statements, and system metrics — CPU, memory, fd and disk usage per process, socket connections per port and tcp status. Collecting the data requires minimal to no configuration, there's pre-built chart dashboards, detailed query reports and pre-set alerts, that will notify you if something's wrong with you DB. More information here and detailed info of what's collected - here.


Sematext Cloud is a monitoring SaaS that collects PostgreSQL metrics such as connections, transactions, row CRUD and index statistics, WAL archiver, brwriter and more. Complete list of metrics is here. Metrics can be correlated with data from logs (e.g. statement time), via the Sematext PostgreSQL Logs integration. An on-permises variant of Sematext Cloud is available as Sematext Enterprise.


pg_monz is a Zabbix monitoring template for PostgreSQL.

libzbxpgsql is a Zabbix monitoring template and native agent module for PostgreSQL.

Postgres-centric monitoring solutions

EnterpriseDB Postgres Enterprise Manager

Postgres Enterprise Manager monitors, alerts, manages and tunes local and remote large scale Postgres deployments from a single graphical console. Out of the box features include: server auto-discovery, point and click management of database objects, 225+ pre-configured database alerts by SMTP/SNMP, custom alerts, global At-a-Glance monitoring dashboards, Performance monitoring dashboards, custom dashboards, an Audit Manager, Postgres Expert best practice configuration recommendations, a Log Manager, a Log Analyzer Expert, a SQL Profiler, and Index Advisor.


pganalyze is a proprietary SaaS offering which focuses on performance monitoring and automated tuning suggestions.


pgwatch2 is a self-contained, easy to install and highly configurable PostgreSQL monitoring tool. It is dockerized, features a dashboard and can send alerts. No extensions or superuser privileges required!

pg_statsinfo & pg_stats_reporter

pg_statsinfo is a Postgres extension that collects lots of performance-relevant information inside the Postgres server which then can be aggregated by pg_stats_reporter instances which provide a web interface to the collected data. Both are FOSS software maintained by NTT.


PGObserver is a Python & Java-based Postgres monitoring solution developed by Zalando. It was developed with a focus on stored procedure performance but extended well beyond that.


pgCluu is a Perl-based monitoring solution which uses psql and sar to collect information about Postgres servers and render comprehensive performance stats.


PoWA is a PostgreSQL Workload Analyzer that gathers performance stats and provides real-time charts and graphs to help monitor and tune your PostgreSQL servers. It relies on extensions such as pg_stat_statements, pg_qualstats, pg_stat_kcache, pg_track_settings and HypoPG, and can help you optimize you database easily. It's entirely open-source and free.

An online demo is available at Just click "login" to start using it.

OPM: Open PostgreSQL Monitoring

Open PostgreSQL Monitoring (OPM) is a free software suite designed to help you manage your PostgreSQL servers. It's a flexible tool that will follow the activity of each instance. It can gather stats, display dashboards and send warnings when something goes wrong. The long-term goal of the project is to provide similar features to those of Oracle Grid Control or SQL Server Management Studio.

PASH-Viewer: PostgreSQL Active Session History Viewer

PASH-Viewer is a free open-source software which provides graphical view of active session history and help you to answer questions like "What wait events were taking most time?", "Which sessions were taking most time?", "Which queries were taking most time and what were they doing?". It also supports Active Session History extension by pgsentinel.


Datasentinel is a proprietary monitoring and troubleshooting solution (SaaS or On-Premises ) helping you to quickly identify slowdowns thanks to its many features (sessions workload, complete activity statistics of sqls, databases, instances, and much more...)


temBoard is a free open source remote control and monitoring system. It uses an agent installed on the database machine and a PostgreSQL database as metadata repository.


Awide is an enterprise-class proprietary solution that simplifies PostgreSQL clusters administration, monitoring, and troubleshooting. Available as SaaS and private cloud offerings and on-prem installation. Features include: ability to manage all enterprise PostgreSQL clusters in a single web interface, RDS databases management, configuration management and automation tuning, DB schema audits, live activities management including sessions and locks, query profiling, full monitoring solution including alters and integration with communication channels, and others.

Redgate Monitor

Redgate Monitor is a proprietary monitoring solution from Redgate Software. It provides detailed database monitoring for PostgreSQL and SQL Server estates. Works with on-prem, DBaaS hosting, and a hybrid environment. It has a one screen, estate-wide overview to easily identify current or looming issues, query monitoring and recommendations, proactive alerts, database health metrics, advanced integration API, and more.