GeoIP index
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Works with PostgreSQL
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If your are using PostgreSQL + ip2location (or MaxMind), creating the following spatial index on the ip2location table results in a huge performance increase.
Create a spatial index on the ip_from/ip_to attributes:
-- Taken from
CREATE INDEX ip2location_range_gist ON ip2location USING gist ((box(point(ip_from,ip_from),point(ip_to,ip_to))) box_ops);
analyze verbose ip2location;
explain analyze
select *
from ip2location
where box(point(ip_from,ip_from),point(ip_to,ip_to)) @> box(point (3512069689,3512069689), point(3512069689,3512069689));
Query version where the IP needs to be converted to bigint:
explain analyze
select *
from ip2location
where box(point(ip_from,ip_from),point(ip_to,ip_to))
@> box(
The inet_to_bigint functions come from that same page:
-- from
drop function if exists bigint_to_inet(bigint);
create function bigint_to_inet(bigint) returns inet as $$
select (($1>>24&255)||'.'||($1>>16&255)||'.'||($1>>8&255)||'.'||($1>>0&255))::inet
$$ language sql strict immutable;
grant execute on function bigint_to_inet(bigint) to public;
drop function if exists inet_to_bigint(inet);
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION inet_to_bigint(inet) RETURNS bigint AS $$
SELECT $1 - inet ''
$$ LANGUAGE SQL strict immutable;
grant execute on function inet_to_bigint(inet) to public;
added by bricklen