PostgreSQL goes through the Google Summer of Code 2025 application process.
This page is your starting point for PostgreSQL's participation in the GSoC program. Please watch this page for updates, and make sure you read everything before proceeding to examine proposals. The proposals link is highlighted in one of the sections below.
How to communicate
Contributors Channel
This link should let you access the Postgres Slack: link
Note: If you can't join the channel please send an email to
We have an informal Slack channel for #gsoc2025-contributors link. General guidelines:
- Feel free to ask questions about setting up projects, infrastructure, tech stack, tips (anything that other potential contributors might also wonder, or benefit from)
- Get to know fellow contributors, introduce yourself
Do NOT use Slack to send proposal drafts to mentors!
Organization Admins
ONLY CONTACT ORGANIZATION ADMINS (Jesper and Pavlo) VIA EMAIL FOR EXTREMELY URGENT MATTERS. DO NOT CONTACT ORGANIZATION ADMINS ON LINKEDIN OR OTHER PRIVATE SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNELS. Abuse of private social media of organization admins might compromise your chances of your proposal being accepted. If you want to discuss Google Summer of Code PROJECTS, you can find us on Slack.
Some mentors are on Slack, but some prefer not to be. Each mentor is free to choose their preferred communication channel, indicated in each proposal. Only email mentors if EXPLICITLY STATED in the project proposal. Otherwise, you can find them on Slack. This holds in particular for organization admins who are also mentors - please do not contact us via email unless absolutely necessary, and use Slack.
Mailing list
Please email
We have an internal mailing list that all mentors can read, use this for any kind of communication that should be private and you might not want other contributors to see. Examples:
- Proposal drafts (to get feedback)
- New ideas
- Any other personal matter
Here are some general guidelines on what to do if you are interested in GSoC 2025.
- Read carefully through this webpage
- Read the list of proposals for 2025
- Find 1-2 proposals you would like to know more about, or some other project idea not in the list that you would like to work on
- Identify the correspondent mentors, and their preferred communication channels
- (Optional) join Slack to see whether some other contributor is interested in the same project, or some question has already been asked, and eventually ask your own questions
- Set up the infrastructure, read the project documentation, try running it locally
- Think about how the mentor ideas can be integrated, and ask them any further question you may have
- Start writing your proposal
- Send the drafts to the mentors MAILING LIST and ask for feedback (Google Docs or PDF)
- Submit your final proposal through the Google Summer of Code website
In your proposal, we ask that you create:
- A list of deliverables
- A detailed description
- Outline your approach
- Outline your approximate schedule
- A document describing your background and motivation
Please also include if you have other commitments during the period of GSoC. This includes jobs (part time or full time), exams, vacation, and anything else which might prevent you from working on your project.
We encourage you to contact the PostgreSQL Project through the mentors mailing list before submitting your proposal through the GSoC website, and discuss the details with us. Proposal changes after the deadline can't be accepted.
Please send your proposal to: [tbd]. The deadline for proposals is **April 02, 2024**.
There are several resources which can provide help.
- #postgresql channel on Libera IRC
- #gsoc2025-contributors channel on Slack
- pgsql-hackers Hackers Mailing List
- pgsql-www for web development related questions
Useful links
- Lean about GSoC (Read this first)
- GSoC video presentation
- Are you eligible for GSoC?
- The DOs and DON’Ts of Google Summer of Code: Student Edition
- Summer of Code home
- Official Google Summer of Code 2023 Timeline
- GSoC discussion list
- PostgreSQL GSoC Site
Information for mentors
If you want to participate, please contact one of the PostgreSQL org admins:
- Pavlo Golub
- Jesper Pedersen