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Jump to navigationJump to searchNews items retired from Apt#News:
- 2020-11-12: Ubuntu groovy (20.10) support added
- 2020-09-24: PostgreSQL 13 released
- 2020-07-13: Debian jessie and Ubuntu eoan are unsupported now
- 2020-05-04: arm64 added as new architecture: https://www.df7cb.de/blog/2020/arm64-on-apt.postgresql.org.html
- 2020-03-24: apt-archive.postgresql.org announced: https://www.df7cb.de/blog/2020/apt-archive.postgresql.org.html
- 2020-02-15: Ubuntu focal (20.04) support added
- 2020-01-27: Ubuntu disco (19.04) is no longer supported.
- 2019-08-05: Ubuntu cosmic (18.10) removed, Debian bullseye (11) and Ubuntu eoan (19.10) added.
- 2019-07-03: PostgreSQL 13devel packages added, see Apt/FAQ#Development_snapshots
- 2019-05-22: PostgreSQL 12beta1 packages added, see Apt/FAQ#I_want_to_try_the_beta_version_of_the_next_PostgreSQL_release
- 2019-05-14: Ubuntu trusty (14.04) is no longer supported.
- 2019-03-25: Debian jessie/ppc64el disabled because ftp.debian.org removed it. Debian removed jessie-backports (all architectures), so we had to remove postgresql-pllua from jessie-pgdg because it depends on backports.
- 2019-01-26: PostgreSQL 9.3 deprecated, no new modules will be built; Ubuntu disco (19.04) is being prepared
- 2018-11-01: Ubuntu cosmic (18.10) added.
- 2018-05-31: Debian wheezy (7) is unsupported now.
- 2018-05-24: PostgreSQL 11 beta1 packages available, see Apt/FAQ#I_want_to_try_the_beta_version_of_the_next_PostgreSQL_release
- 2018-01-17: Ubuntu zesty (17.04) is unsupported now, Ubuntu removed it from their mirrors
- 2017-10-05: PostgreSQL 10.0 has been released, postgresql-10 is the default version pulled in by "postgresql.deb" now
- 2017-05-18: PostgreSQL 10beta1 packages added, see Apt/FAQ#I_want_to_try_the_beta_version_of_the_next_PostgreSQL_release
- 2017-04-25: Ubuntu zesty (17.04) and Debian stretch (9) added, Ubuntu precise (12.04) deprecated: https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/20170425113312.d7odg7juvnunhtex%40msg.credativ.de
- 2017-02-23: postgresql-10 development snapshots available for sid, jessie, xenial, and trusty (via -pgdg-testing): Apt/FAQ#Development_snapshots
- 2016-09-29: ppc64el added as new architecture, along with full 9.6 support for all packages: https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/c86548a4-eea0-ff5d-9a14-1c136ef39ab6%402ndquadrant.it
- 2016-09-17: Ubuntu wily (15.10) deprecated.
- 2016-09-05: Redmine project for issue tracking: https://redmine.postgresql.org/projects/pgapt/issues
- 2016-07-31: Older versions of packages available: https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/20160731194944.amiwidhsoqh4osac%40msg.df7cb.de
- 2016-03-31: Ubuntu xenial (16.04) added.
- 2016-03-05: Debian squeeze (6) deprecated.
- 2015-05-30: May_2015_Fsync_Permissions_Bug fixed in 9.0/9.1: http://www.postgresql.org/message-id/20150530092702.GA16443@msg.df7cb.de
- 2015-05-08: Ubuntu lucid (10.04) deprecated. The packages will continue to be available, but no longer receive updates.
- 2014-12-18: PostgreSQL 9.4 released
- 2014-12-02: Debian jessie (8) added
- 2014-08-28: Ubuntu utopic (14.10) added, saucy (13.10) deprecated
- 2014-05-16: 9.4 beta packages available: http://www.df7cb.de/blog/2014/PostgreSQL_9.4_on_Debian.html
- 2014-02-18: Ubuntu saucy (13.10) added (seeded with a copy of the packages from precise)
- 2014-01-09: Ubuntu trusty (14.04) packages available: http://www.postgresql.org/message-id/20140109124716.GA5659@msgid.credativ.de
- 2013-11-22: Users concerned about the Nov2013ReplicationIssue can find 9.2.4/9.1.9/9.0.13 packages at
http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/nov2013replicationissue/ - 2013-10-10: New pgdg-keyring version extending the key expiration date. The old expiration date is 2013-10-13. Announcement: http://www.postgresql.org/message-id/20131010083115.GC24812@msgid.df7cb.de Additional blog post: http://blog.endpoint.com/2013/10/postgresql-debian-apt-repository-gnupg.html
- 2013-09-09: postgresql-9.3 released! (This also includes new postgresql-9.2 and postgresql-common packages.)
- 2013-05-12: postgresql-9.3 beta1 is now available, see FAQ entry for instructions
- 2013-05-11: Temporary problems with libpq5 packages: http://www.postgresql.org/message-id/20130511050816.GB8469@msgid.df7cb.de
- 2013-04-10: New postgresql-common version 141 introducing a dependency on the pgdg-keyring package. (If you were following the (old) installation instructions, you already have that package installed.)
- 2013-02-23: pgapt.debian.net is gone now. If you were using that, change to apt.postgresql.org using the instructions above.
- 2013-02-22: Default repository pin priority changed; see Apt pinning for details.
- 2012-12-18: Ubuntu Lucid (10.04) is now part of the repository; PostgreSQL and pgadmin3 packages are built.
- 2012-12-06: Official announcement: http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-announce/2012-12/msg00008.php, http://www.postgresql.org/about/news/1432/
- 2012-12-06: Minor releases 9.2.2, 9.1.7, 9.0.11, 8.4.15, 8.3.22 built.
- 2012-11-30: pgadmin3 added to the repository
- 2012-11-22: Ubuntu Precise (12.04) added to the repository, and built 9.2.1, 9.1.6, 9.0.10, 8.4.14, 8.3.21 for it.
- 2012-10-13: Repository key renewed with new expiry date.
- 2012-10-02: Minor releases 9.2.1, 9.1.6, 9.0.10, 8.4.14, 8.3.21 built
- 2012-09-15: 9.2.0 is in the repository
- 2012-08-22: PostgreSQL in Debian Hackathon: Blog posting and notes. The distribution names changed from *-pgapt to *-pgdg, please update your sources.list.
- 2012-06-07: 9.2 added, Lenny marked unsupported now
- 2012-06-07: separate components "9.0", "9.2" etc added for libpq5/libpg-dev/lib... packages that would otherwise overwrite packages from other versions in the same suite. (Usually, using the latest stable libpq5 version will be ok for users. The packages built from other PostgreSQL versions are provided only for completeness.)