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Hartmut Holzgraefe

Currently working as Principal Support Engineer for SkySQL AB, sort of continuing to do the job i did at MySQL Sun Oracle 2003-2010, especially having supported MySQL Cluster for most of my time there.

Code contributor to PHP since 1999 (bug fixes, imap, ncurses, webdav-related patches, documentation, ...), to MySQL since 2002 (XOR operator, user lock related functions, client/slave side inferface binding, ....).

Currently using PostgreSQL/PostGIS for OpenStreetMap related stuff (yes, i'm involved in OSM, too), MariaDB and every once in a while SQLite for anything else, i've also been involved in porting Eventum (the ticket system we used at MySQL AB and are still using at SkySQL), to work with PostgreSQL, too, instead of 'just' MySQL ...


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