PostgreSQL Conference China 2011
本次大会很荣幸能邀请到包括国内著名企业的数据库专家、社区的David Fetter、日本PG用户会的创始人及PGPOOL的作者石井达夫先生、斯凯网络DBA主管周正中先生、还有资深PG专家刘鑫等为我们介绍PG的企业使用经验。
PostgreSQL conference China 2011 will be hold in July 15-16.
Though PostgreSQL is enterprise-ready for a long time and the user communities around the world are growing, but there is no formal user group in China, the users is difficult to get support, books and technical material is not sufficient. This conference is an effort to help the users in China to deploy PostgreSQL with less pain, and try to cultivate a PostgreSQL user community in China.
The conference covers topics related to PostgreSQL:
* Ways in which PostgreSQL is used * Case studies * Performance tuning, database monitoring, disaster recovery * PostgreSQL HA and clustering solutions * Postgis * DWH systems based on PostgreSQL * hacking PostgreSQL code * Migration of production systems from another database * Data processing new technologies(hadoop, NoSQL etc. ) * PostgreSQL 9.1 and 9.2 features in development
信息 Information
日期 DATE: July 15-16, 2011
地点 LOCATION: 暨南大学, Jinan University, Guangzhou,China
地址 ADDRESS: 广州市黄埔大道西601号暨南大学文科二楼516多功能会议厅; R516, Second Social Sciences Building, Jinan University, Huangpu Road West 601, Guangzhou
主办 ORGANIZER: CPUG(China PostgreSQL User Group) 中国PostgreSQL用户会
赞助支持伙伴 SPONSORS: EMC(赞助David Fetter的旅费),
内容 TOPIC: PostgreSQL的企业应用、架构设计、运维管理、应用开发
费用 FEE: Enterprise企业名义参加(500RMB,包含主会当晚聚餐费用)(剩余少量名额),Individual个人名义参加(100RMB,包含PostgreSQL的T恤、大会演讲资料) 截至报名 注:主要用于场地费用分摊及外宾的机票住宿,如一个公司多人参加,仍然需分别缴费。
Please send an email with the following information: 发送邮箱Email: 邮件标题Title: 2011年PG用户全国大会报名 + 姓名 邮件内容Subject: 姓名 Name: 单位 Company: 职务 Title: 座机 Phone: 注:请填写单位电话 手机 Mobile: 注:便以短信联系 邮件 Email: 注:请填写常用邮件 邮寄地址、邮编Address:
如有任何疑问欢迎联系。 Please contact if you have any questions. 大会会务负责人 Conference Orginizer:李元佳 Galy Lee 手机 Mobile:+86-13710389225 邮件 Email:galylee at
大会纪念品 Gift Pgconchina2011Tshirt
大会议程 Schedule (subject to change)
首日 First Day: 7月15日 July 15, 2011
8:45 - 9:15 开始报到及领取资料
时间 | 长度 | 主题 | 演讲人 | 演讲资料下载 |
9:15 - 9:25 | 10 | 欢迎 welcome | 李元佳 Galy Lee | 无 |
9:25 - 09:30 | 5 | PG核心成员欢迎辞(视频) Welcoming video message | Bruce Momjian | 视频 |
9:30 - 10:20 | 50 | PostgreSQL简介 An Introduction to PostgreSQL | 周正中 Digoal | File:PostgreSQL Introduction.pdf |
10:20 - 11:10 | 50 | PostgreSQL原理简介 PostgreSQL Internal | 李元佳 Galy Lee | File:PostgreSQL 原理简介.pdf |
11:10 - 12:00 | 50 | PostgreSQL 9.1的新功能介绍 New feature in PostgreSQL 9.1 | 刘鑫 March Liu | File:PG9.1新功能介绍.pdf |
12:00 - 14:00 | 120 | 工作午餐(暨大明湖楼,参会者可免费用餐)12:30开始用餐 Lunch | ||
14:00 - 14:40 | 30 | GREENPLUM CHORUS:Cloud Computing for Data Warehousing and Analytics | 庄富任 Fujen Chuang(EMC) | |
14:40 - 15:10 | 30 | 数据库虚拟化 Database Virtualization | David Fetter | File:Database Virtualization PG China.pdf |
15:10 - 15:20 | 10 | 茶歇 Tea Break | ||
15:20 - 15:50 | 30 | SQL聚类扩展语句Cluster-by:PostgreSQL实现, Implementing Cluster-by in PostgreSQL | 孙鹏 Sun Peng | File:聚类扩展语句Cluster-by PostgreSQL实现.pdf |
15:50 - 16:20 | 30 | 动态数据库模型Socrates及其PostgreSQL实现 An dynamic database model and its implementation in PostgreSQL | 刘鑫 March Liu | File:Socrates 动态建模工具.pdf |
16:20 - 16:50 | 30 | SQL Server 到PostgresQL的应用迁移 Migration Application from MSSQL to PostgreSQL | 黄志炜 Jerray Huang | File:SQL Server到PostgreSQL的应用迁移.pdf |
16:50 - 17:20 | 30 | SQL语言解析器的实现--为BDB添加SQL支持 SQL Query Processing Implementation | 黄坚 Huang Jian | File:SQL语言解析器的实现.pdf |
17:20 - 17:40 | 20 | 照集体相 (take photo) 曾宪梓科学馆前 | 大会全体人员all attendees |
第二日 Second Day: 7月16日 July 16, 2011 (英语演讲有现成翻译)
时间 | 长度 | 主题 | 演讲人 | 演讲资料下载 |
9:00 - 09:05 | 5 | 简介 Introductions | 李元佳 Galy Lee | |
09:10 - 10:00 | 50 | 主题演讲(英语)Keynote: 在pgpool-II中使用PostgreSQL的流复制功能 | 石井达夫 Tatsuo Ishii | File:Pgpool.pdf |
10:00 - 10:50 | 50 | 主题演讲(英语)Keynote: Data-Modifying CTEs: A New Programming Paradigm | David Fetter | File:Data Modifying CTEs PostgrSQL China.pdf |
10:50 - 11:00 | 10 | 茶点 tea break | ||
11:00 - 11:50 | 50 | PostgreSQL开源数据库应用实践(The practice for using postgresql in enterprise) | 周正中 Digoal Zhou | File:PostgreSQL Enterprise Appliance.pdf |
12:00 - 14:00 | 120 | 工作午餐(暨大明湖楼,参会者可免费用餐)12:30开始用餐 Lunch | ||
14:00 - 14:40 | 40 | FlexDB - A cloud-scale database engine based on Hadoop | 陈继东(EMC) | |
14:40 - 14:50 | 10 | 茶歇 tea break | ||
14:50 - 15:30 | 40 | 企业级Postgres HA+Stream Replication最佳实践 | 萧少聪 Scott Siu | File:PPAS PGP HA Community.pdf |
15:30 - 16:10 | 40 | PostgreSQL社区及在中国的发展 PostgreSQL Community and its development in China | 李元佳 Galy Lee | File:PostgreSQL Community and its development in China.pdf |
16:10 - 17:00 | 50 | 小组讨论: 如何促进中国的PG社区发展, 用户期待PG还需要哪些改进 Panel Discussion | 众专家及与会者 | |
18:00 - 19:30 | 晚宴 Party (珠江夜游及在船上自助餐自由交流)统一坐大巴17:30分开车,18:15分船上自助餐开始 |
- Using streaming replication of PostgreSQL with pgpool-II Tastuo Ishii
Streaming replication is long awaited "official" replication feature
of PostgtreSQL. First, brief introduction to streaming replication is
presented. Then techniques to create a complete clustering system by
combining pgpool-II with PostgreSQL's streaming replication are
shown. The system has nice features such as automatic failover, load
balancing and connection pooling in addition to replication, which are
necessary in the real world system. Lastly a short demonstration will
be performed using pgpoolAdmin(a GUI tool for pgpool-II), pgpool-II
and streaming replication.
- Data-Modifying CTEs: A New Programming Paradigm David Fetter
- Database Virtualization David Fetter
- FlexDB - A cloud-scale database engine based on Hadoop 陈继东
Many enterprises are facing big data processing challenges. FlexDB is a cloud-scale database engine to do big data processing based on Hadoop MapReduce, which is a research project at EMC Labs China. The data is distributed in a cluster of single node column stores instead of HDFS. This enable us to adopt query optimization techniques to accelerate query processing. It has many advantages over current big data processing systems (Hive, Pig, HadoopDB and data warehouse products), such as not expensive, easy to scale out and high performance.
- PostgreSQL的简介 An introduction to PostgreSQL 德哥 Diago
- PostgreSQL 企业应用 Using PostgreSQL in enterprise 德哥
- 企业级Postgres HA+Stream Replication最佳实践 萧少聪
- PostgreSQL的内部原理简介 PostgreSQL Internal 李元佳 Galy Lee
- PostgreSQL社区及在中国的发展 PostgreSQL Community and its development in China 李元佳 Galy Lee
- GREENPLUM CHORUS: Cloud Computing for Data Warehousing and Analytics EMC Fujen Chuang
Chorus! — a revolutionary web application and analytics platform that empowers data analysts and data scientists within an enterprise to more easily collaborate and derive insights from their data. Chorus as the Enterprise Data Cloud platform, will be deployed along with Greenplum Database and VMWare Aurora to create a self-service analytic infrastructure. It provides the key services necessary for organizations wrestling with all data — big and small, structured and unstructured — to realize the benefits of private cloud computing techniques and social collaboration for enterprise data warehousing and analytics.
- 动态数据库模型Socrates及其PostgreSQL实现 An dynamic database model and its implementation in PostgreSQL 刘鑫
Socrates 项目是一个动态数据库建模工具,具体来说,它包含一个支持任意数据结构
- SQL语言解析器的实现--为BDB添加SQL支持 SQL Query Processing Implementation 黄坚
- SQL聚类扩展语句Cluster-by:PostgreSQL实现 孙鹏
我们基于SQL 2008语言标准提出了支持空间和非空间数据的聚类扩展语句Cluster-by。定义了Cluster-by的语法与语义。从对数据进行分组的角度来看,它是一类模糊的Group-by。该Cluster-by提供了对空间以及非空间数据的支持,对多个字段进行聚类的情况下,使用权重以定义距离函数。本话题我们将探讨如何在PostgreSQL 8.04中进行实现,包括对Parser,Query,Optimizer以及Executor等阶段的修改。
- David Fetter
David Fetter is based in the San Francisco Bay Area and has worked in various commercial enterprises, non-profits and educational institutions. He has worked extensively with PostgreSQL, Oracle, MySQL, Perl, PHP transaction processing and business intelligence systems. He helps run several organizations for computer professionals including the San Francisco Perl Users' Group and the San Francisco PostgreSQL Users' Group.
- Tatsuo Ishii
Tatsuo Ishii is the author of pgpool and has been involved in PostgreSQL since 1996.He is a co-founder of Japan PostgreSQL User's Group(JPUG). He has written many PostgreSQL books and articles in Japan and is working for SRA OSS, Inc. Japan, which provides various PostgreSQL related services.
石井达夫先生是pgpool的作者,自1996年以来就开始参与到PostgreSQL社区来。他是日本PostgreSQL用户协会的创始人之一,他在日本写了很多PostgreSQL相关的书及文章。他现在是SRA OSS日本的社长。
- 陈继东
陈继东博士现任EMC中国研究院高级研究员,当前负责大规模数据管理及分析方面的研究和高级开发项目。陈继东博士的研究兴趣包括大规模数据管理和分析,个人信息管理,信息检索和移动数据库等,相关研究成果已在Geoinformatica, JCST, SIGMOD, SIGIR, VLDB, CIKM, MDM等知名国际期刊和国际会议上发表,合著一本英文专著"Moving Objects Management: Models, Techniques, and Applications",由Springer和清华大学出版社联合出版。陈继东博士近期担任《Future Generation Computer Systems》和 《Systems and Software》等多个国际期刊和VLDB 2010,ACM CIKM 2010 ,CloudDB 2009等国际会议评审委员,并担任国际会议DASFAA 2011 Demo程序委员会主席。
- Fujen Chuang(庄富任)
Fujen Chuang(庄富任) Fujen have 10 years working experience in software engineering and product management in
enterprise software, mobile solutions and consumer Internet products. He joined EMC/Greenplum as Principle Product
Manager responsible for product management of Chorus, an enterprise data cloud solution aiming to build a
collaborative platform for advanced analytics and big data. Before joining Chorus team, he worked for Yahoo! and
MyWire in US for its data warehousing and BI systems development after completing his MBA at U.C. Berkeley. His
expertise is Scrum software development, product strategy, web applications and data warehousing.
- 李元佳 Galy Lee
Galy is the orginizer of PostgreSQL conference China, 2011.
- 周正中 Digoal, Zhou
Digoal is the cheif DBA in Sky-mobi which runs the largest mobile app market in China, he manages a system consisting of over 300 PostgreSQL nodes, he will share us with his experience in managing PostgreSQL.
- 萧少聪 Scot Siu
- 刘鑫
的开发和架构。是Python Tutorial多个版本的中文版译者,对数据库设计、服务器架构和一些“冷”技术抱有深厚的兴趣。现就任
- 黄坚
软件开发外,也对数据库技术、系统管理等多方面有比较大的兴趣。在PostgreSQL EDB技术群中比较活跃,正在积极进行《
- 孙鹏
- 陈爱声(网名:阿弟)
自由职业者,从事pgsql相关工作11年,熟悉PGSQL管理,应用部署,业务设计及业务优化,熟悉Linux + Apache + PGSQL +PHP及Linux其它服务系统架构平台的管理,熟悉基于HTML+DHTML+JAVASCRIPT+CSS+伪ajax的客户端技术。自己拥有基于Linux+PGSQL+PHP+APACHE+postfix+cron+samba企业应用模块一套,已经有在一些实体企业成功投入使用。目前从事制造业ERP一切相关工作。另外本人从2005以来一直担任postgrsql中国社区论坛版主一职,目前发贴量已经超过7000,可以说是见证了社区的整个发展过程。2010又推出的开源系统PostMRP,让更多的初使用者有了很好的参考项目。
- 收入
- 企业用户: 500元x人数 =
- 个人用户: 100x人数 =
- 赞助
- EMC赞助David Fetter的旅费
- 陈尹家的宝宝兔 赞助 161元
- 支出
- 场地: 4千RMB
- 国外嘉宾旅费: 1万RMB(不含David Fetter旅费)
- 资料印刷及饮料茶点等杂费:
- 大会纪念品: 40元x 人数 =
- 聚餐 : 预算4千
- 总计
- 在此特别要感谢'陈尹家的宝宝兔'为我们大会个人捐款161.11元,也祝他即将要出生的小宝宝健康幸福快乐。
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