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See PgNotificationHelper and the JavaDoc of the class below for an fuller explanation of the function of this Java/JDBC code and why you might want to use it.

The code below is available for anybody to use in their own app. It is preferred, but not required, that the @author comment be retained. Beware that it is not as well tested as PgNotificationHelper and doesn't yet have a full test suite, so caution is advised.

import java.awt.EventQueue;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import org.postgresql.PGNotification;

 * PgNotificationPoller uses PgNotificationHelper to monitor the database
 * for events of interest.
 * PgNotificationPoller requires a dedicated JDBC connection, which it
 * creates using a properties map and manages its self. It will attempt to
 * reconnect if this connection is lost, and will do its best to handle
 * problems appropriately. Any exceptions from the database will logged
 * via java.util.logging and will be acted on if possible, but not re-thrown.
 * If you want to use your own JDBC connection, use PgNotificationHelper
 * directly and be prepared to deal with SQLExceptions if and when they arise.
 * Note that this class will only function correctly with a post-8.1.x JDBC
 * driver because of changes to notification polling.
 * @author Craig Ringer <>
// TODO / ideas list:
// - Support changing of connection props without notification loss, by maintaining
//   old conn until new one successfully established (?).
// - Support advisory lock management too
// - Let someone grab the connection and do some work on it, holding it exclusively
//   until they hand it back to us. 
public class PgNotificationPoller {

    public static final String PG_DRIVER_CLASS = "org.postgresql.Driver";
    public static final String P_STATUS = "status";

     * Status describes what the poller is currently doing.
     * The stopped state indicates that it's not currently listening for notifications,
     * and the listening state indicates that is <i>is</i> listening for notifications.
    public enum Status {

     * If the PostgreSQL JDBC driver could not be loaded, this exception is thrown.
    public static class DriverNotFoundException extends RuntimeException {
        public DriverNotFoundException(String message, Throwable e) {
            super(message, e);

     * Listener interface to be implemented by classes that are interested
     * in hearing about PostgreSQL `NOTIFY' events, and in the status of
     * the polling task.
     * Exceptions thrown by listeners will be caught, logged, and ignored.
     * It is still highly recommended that you avoid letting exceptions propagate
     * out of your listeners in the first place.
    public static interface PgNotificationListener {
         * Reports that one or more NOTIFY events have been received by the poller.
         * Self-notifications will be delivered, so if you wish to exclude them
         * or identify them, test `receivingBackendPid' against
         * `PGNotification.getPid()' for each notification to see if the sending
         * and receiving backend pid are the same.
         * @param poller Poller that received the NOTIFY
         * @param receivingBackendPid pid of backend that recieved the notification. Test against notices.getPid() to eliminate self notifications.
         * @param notices Read-only list of notification event(s)
        void notified( PgNotificationPoller poller, long receivingBackendPid, List<PGNotification> notices );

         * Reports a change in poller status, such as a disconnect or reconnect.
         * You may need to query the database to catch up on changes here,
         * as a disconnect or reconnect implies that notifications may have
         * been lost.
         * @param poller Poller that disconnected/reconnected
         * @param oldStatus Status transitioned from
         * @param newStatus Status transitioned to
         * @param targetStatus Status seeking
        void pollerStatusChanged( PgNotificationPoller poller, Status oldStatus, Status newStatus, Status targetStatus );

         * A LISTEN has been executed on the database, and NOTIFY events for that
         * name will now be received.
         * @param poller Poller that added the listen
         * @param names Read-only collection of name(s) newly LISTENed
        void listenersAdded( PgNotificationPoller poller, Collection<String> names );

         * An UNLISTEN has been executed on the database, and NOTIFY events for that
         * name will no longer be received.
         * '*' will never be passed as a name. Instead, individual
         * listenRemoved(...) calls will be made.
         * @param poller Poller that added the listen
         * @param names Read-only collection of name(s) newly UNLISTENed
        void listenersRemoved( PgNotificationPoller poller, Collection<String> names );

     * Adapter for PgNotificationListener in case you're only interested in a subset
     * of the events. Other events are ignored.
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public abstract static class PgNotificationAdapter implements PgNotificationListener {

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public void notified( PgNotificationPoller poller, long receivingBackendPid, List<PGNotification> notices ) {
        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public void pollerStatusChanged(PgNotificationPoller poller, Status oldStatus, Status newStatus, Status targetStatus) {

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public void listenersAdded(PgNotificationPoller poller, Collection<String> names) {

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public void listenersRemoved(PgNotificationPoller poller, Collection<String> names) {


     * A single object may listen for exceptions thrown by the
     * JDBC connction used by the poller's worker thread. It must implement
     * this interface.
    public interface PgNotificationExceptionListener {

         * If any exceptions are thrown while working with the JDBC connection,
         * this callback will report them. This may be useful for handling bad
         * usernames/passwords, consistently unreachable servers, etc.
         * It's mainly here so that you can log issues.
         * The poller / worker will act on the exception as best as it can, generally
         * by re-trying its work or if the connection looks dead trying to create a
         * new one. You cannot directly control that, but may supply new credentials
         * or stop() / start() the poller service if needed. It is safe to do so from
         * this callback.
         * The JDBC connection on which the exception was thrown is provided on
         * the off chance it may be required. It will not be used by the poller
         * before this method returns, as this method's execution blocks the
         * poller worker thread, so it's technically safe to execute work on it.
         * Nonetheless, you should really avoid doing anything with it if at
         * all possible.
         * @warning Do not permit exceptions to be thrown by your implementation of this method.
         * @warning This method is called synchronously on the poller's worker thread.
         *          It should schedule any time consuming work to be done later and return
         *          promptly. <b>Delayed work <i>must</i> not use the passed connection</b>.
         * @param poller poller whose worker caught the exception
         * @param conn Connection in use when the exception was thrown
         * @param message Message from poller worker indicating what it was doing at the time
         * @param exc SQLException thrown
        void sqlExceptionEncountered( PgNotificationPoller poller, Connection conn, String message, SQLException exc );

         * A listener let an exception propagate up to the worker thread's event
         * dispatch methods. The exception will be ignored, but this callback is
         * invoked with it first to make it possible to track down such issues.
         * @param poller Poller whose worker had a listener throw the exception
         * @param message Message from the poller about the problem
         * @param listener The guilty party - the object that threw
         * @param exc Exception thrown by the listener
        void listenerExceptionEncountered( PgNotificationPoller poller, String message, PgNotificationListener listener, Throwable exc );

    private final ConnectionPoller poller = new ConnectionPoller();
    private int pollDelayMs = 1000;
    // TODO backoff
    private int reconnectDelayMs = 30000;
    private int validityTestDelayMs = 10000;
    private int validityTestTimeoutSeconds = 30;

     * Create a new poller without any connection parameters.
     * The poller will begin in the `STOPPED' state and will not attempt to
     * start polling until connnection details are passed via
     * setConnectionProperties.
     * @throws DriverNotFoundException if jdbc driver not loadable
    public PgNotificationPoller() {

     * Create a new poller with the supplied JDBC URL and connecton properties map.
     * The poller will begin in the STOPPED state, but will immediately begin
     * trying to transition to LISTENING by bringing up a JDBC connection. If
     * connection fails, it will be retried periodically.
     * @param url JDBC URL to connect with
     * @param map JDBC properties map to use for credentials and conn params
     * @throws DriverNotFoundException if jdbc driver not loadable
    public PgNotificationPoller(String url, Properties map) {
        setConnectionProperties(url, map);

     * Create a new poller with the supplied JDBC URL and connecton properties map.
     * The poller will begin in the STOPPED state, but will immediately begin
     * trying to transition to LISTENING by bringing up a JDBC connection. If
     * connection fails, it will be retried periodically.
     * @param url JDBC URL to connect with
     * @param username PostgreSQL username
     * @param password PostgreSQL password
     * @throws DriverNotFoundException if jdbc driver not loadable
    public PgNotificationPoller(String url, String username, String password) {
        setConnectionProperties(url, username, password);

     * Request a change of connection details, using the new parameters passed.
     * If the new parameters differ from those the current connection (if any)
     * is using, the current connection (if any) will be dropped and the
     * poller will begin trying to establish a new connection if the target
     * status is LISTENING.
     * This call does not change the target status, so the poller will remain
     * stopped if stop() has been called or it has never been started.
     * @warning A call to this method may cause notifications to be missed during the connection change-over.
     * @param url JDBC URL to connect with
     * @param map JDBC properties map to use for credentials and conn params
    public void setConnectionProperties(String url, Properties map) {
        if (map == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("Connection properties map may not be null");
        if (url == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("URL may not be null");
        poller.setNewConnectionProperties(url, map);

     * As setConnectionProperties(String url, Properties map) but with username
     * and password supplied directly instead of via the properties map.
     * @warning A call to this method may cause notifications to be missed during the connection change-over.
     * @param url JDBC URL to connect with
     * @param username PostgreSQL username
     * @param password PostgreSQL password
    public void setConnectionProperties(String url, String username, String password) {
        Properties props = new Properties();
        if (username != null)
            props.setProperty("user", username);
        if (password != null)
            props.setProperty("password", password);
        setConnectionProperties(url, props);

     * PgNotificationPoller must periodically check the JDBC connection's receive
     * buffer to see if it has received any notifications. Report how frequently
     * the poller is currently checking for notifications.
     * @see #setPollDelayMs
     * @return delay between polls for notifications, in milliseconds
    public int getPollDelayMs() {
        return pollDelayMs;

     * PgNotificationPoller must periodically check the JDBC connection's receive
     * buffer to see if it has received any notifications. While this operation
     * doesn't create any client/server communication it's still not entirely free,
     * so the frequency with which notifications are polled for should be adjusted
     * to the app's needs and the rate at which notifications are expected to arrive.
     * @see #getPollDelayMs
     * @param pollDelayMs delay between polls for notifications, in milliseconds
    public void setPollDelayMs(int pollDelayMs) {
        if (pollDelayMs <= 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Poll delay must be > 0");
        this.pollDelayMs = pollDelayMs;

     * How long the poller will wait between reconnect attempts if conn lost.
     * @see #setReconnectDelayMs
     * @return Delay in ms between connect attempts
    public int getReconnectDelayMs() {
        return reconnectDelayMs;

     * If the poller's connection drops, it will delay a configurable number
     * of milliseconds before each try to re-establish it after the first
     * attempt.
     * @see #getReconnectDelayMs
     * @param delayMs Delay in ms between connect attempts
    public void setReconnectDelayMs(int delayMs) {
        if (delayMs <= 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Reconnect delay must be > 0");
        this.reconnectDelayMs = delayMs;

     * The poller perioidcally checks whether the connection is alive. Report
     * how long it waits between checks.
     * @see #setValidityTestDelayMs
     * @return Delay in ms between connection validity checks
    public int getValidityTestDelayMs() {
        return validityTestDelayMs;

     * Merely polling for notifications is not sufficient to detect if the
     * connection has broken; an explicit check that produces client/server
     * chat is required.
     * If set to zero, no validity checking is done.
     * The default is 10 seconds.
     * @see #getValidityTestDelayMs
     * @param freqMs Delay in ms between connection validity checks
    public void setValidityTestDelayMs(int delayMs) {
        if (delayMs < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Validity test delay must be >= 0");
        this.validityTestDelayMs = delayMs;

     * How long to wait before giving up on a validity test.
     * @see #setValidityTestTimeoutSeconds
     * @return how long to wait for connection validity test
    public int getValidityTestTimeoutSeconds() {
        return validityTestTimeoutSeconds;

     * When testing for connection validity a timeout helps avoid the poller
     * blocking forever on dead tcp/ip connections. This reports how long it
     * waits before giving up on the connection, dropping it, and starting
     * to establish a new one.
     * @see #getValidityTestTimeoutSeconds
     * @param timeout
    public void setValidityTestTimeoutSeconds(int timeout) {
        if (timeout < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Timeout must be >= 0 seconds");
        this.validityTestTimeoutSeconds = timeout;

     * Ask the poller to poll for notifications as soon as it is next able to.
     * If it's idle and waiting, it will poll immediately, though this call will
     * not block until the poll is completed.
     * Calling pollNow() on a poller in the STOPPED state (whether due to a
     * stop() call, never having been started, or due to a pending reconnect
     * after a connection break) has no effect, and false is returned.
     * @return true if the pollNow request was acted on, false if it could not be
    public boolean pollNow() {
        return poller.pollNow();

     * Report the current state of the poller.
     * The poller may be trying to (re)connect, in which case its state will
     * be STOPPED even though it's trying to transition to the target state
     * LISTENING. Similarly, if it's just been asked to stop, it might be
     * LISTENING even though it's in the process of switching to STOPPED.
     * getStatus() tells you whether, at this <i>particular instant</i>, the
     * poller is receiving notifications.
     * @return poller status
    public Status getStatus() {
        return poller.status;

     * Report the status the poller is trying to be in, which may or may not
     * be the same as its currents status.
     * If getTargetStatus() consistently reports listening, but getStatus()
     * consistently reports stopped, it's likely that there's an issue establishing
     * a connection. Check getLastException() for hints on what might be wrong.
     * See getStatus() for details.
     * @see #stop
     * @see #start
     * @see #getStatus
     * @return target status of poller
    public Status getTargetStatus(){
        return poller.pub_targetStatus;

     * Register an object's interest in hearing about notifications received,
     * poller state changes, and names added to or removed from the list being
     * monitored.
     * @see #removeNotificationListener
     * @param listener New object to receive notification events
    public void addNotificationListener(PgNotificationListener listener) {
        // poller.listeners is thread-safe

     * Remove an object from the list of objects interested in hearing about
     * notification-related events.
     * If the passed object is not in the current listener list, no action
     * is taken.
     * @see #addNotificationListener
     * @param listener Object to stop notifying.
    public void removeNotificationListener(PgNotificationListener listener) {
        // poller.listeners is thread-safe

     * Clear the list of object to be informed when notifications arrive, state
     * changes, etc.
     * @see #removeNotificationListener
     * @see #addNotificationListener
    public void clearNotificationListeners() {
        // poller.listeners is thread-safe

     * Add the passed name, which must be a legal PostgreSQL identifier, to the
     * set of notifications that should be LISTENed to.
     * This call won't block waiting for the addition to take effect. Objects
     * listening for notification events will receive a listenersAdded call when
     * the change has been applied by the worker thread. Until then, notifications
     * on this name may not be received.
     * If the target status is STOPPED, this call will not transition it to
     * LISTENING, so it will have no effect until start() is called.
     * @see #unlisten
     * @see #unlistenAll
     * @param name PostgreSQL identifier to LISTEN for notifications on
    public void listen(String name) {

     * Remove the passed name from the list of notifications that should be
     * LISTENed to.
     * This call won't block waiting for the removal to take effect. Objects
     * listening for notification events will receive a listenersRemoved call when
     * the change has been applied by the worker thread. It is possible that
     * notifications for this name may be received in the mean time.
     * If the target status is STOPPED, this call will not transition it to
     * LISTENING, so it will have no effect until start() is called.
     * If the name is not currently on the list of names to be listened to,
     * this call has no effect.
     * @see #listen
     * @see #listenAll
     * @param name PostgreSQL identifier to stop listening for notifications on
    public void unlisten(String name) {

     * Remove all names name from the list of notifications that should be
     * LISTENed to, leaving the poller listening for no notifications at all.
     * This call won't block waiting for the removal to take effect. Objects
     * listening for notification events will receive a listenersRemoved call when
     * the change has been applied by the worker thread. It is possible that
     * notifications may be received in the mean time.
     * @see #listen
     * @see #unlisten
    public void unlistenAll() {

     * Stop listening for notifications and close down the JDBC connection
     * used for listening.
     * If the target status is already STOPPED, this call has no effect.
     * This call won't block waiting for the change to take effect. Objects
     * listening for notification events will receive a listenersRemoved call
     * and a statusChanged call once the shutdown takes effect. It is possible that
     * notifications may be received in the mean time.
     * @see #getTargetStatus
    public void stop() {

     * Begin listening for notification events if not already doing so. If
     * necessary, a new JDBC connection will be created to listen on, using
     * credentials supplied in the ctor or in setCredentials.
     * If the target status is already LISTENING, this call has no effect.
     * @see #getTargetStatus
    public void start() {

     * @see PgNotificationExceptionListener
     * @see #setPgNotificationExceptionListener
     * @return current exception listener
    public PgNotificationExceptionListener getPgNotificationExceptionListener() {
        return poller.exceptionListener;

     * Register an exception listener which will be informed of all
     * SQLExceptions encountered during the operation of the worker
     * thread.
     * It's recommended that you set the listener once during
     * poller setup and leave it.
     * @see PgNotificationExceptionListener
     * @param newExceptionListener
    public void setPgNotificationExceptionListener(PgNotificationExceptionListener newExceptionListener) {
        poller.exceptionListener = newExceptionListener;

     * Test to see if the JDBC driver is present and loadable, and thow
     * DriverNotFoundException if not.
     * @throws DriverNotFoundException if jdbc driver not loadable
    private void testDriverPresent() {
        try {
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new DriverNotFoundException("Couldn't load JDBC driver " + PG_DRIVER_CLASS, e);

    private class ConnectionPoller extends Thread implements PgNotificationHelper.PgNotificationListener {

        // Simple threading rules:
        // If a var is prefixed by `pub' it must only ever be accessed while the ConnectionPoller
        // monitor is held. No database operations may be performed while the ConnectionPoller monitor is held.
        // Variables not prefixed by `pub' must never be updated by direct external triggers such as
        // outside method calls.

        // `status' must only ever be changed by method private and internal to ConnectionPoller and running
        // on the ConnectionPoller thread, or things will break horribly.
        private Status status = Status.STOPPED;
        // targetStatus must only ever be set by outside callers via setTargetStatus(...).
        private Status pub_targetStatus = Status.STOPPED;

        private final Set<PgNotificationListener> listeners = Collections.synchronizedSet( new HashSet<PgNotificationListener>() );
        private final PgNotificationHelper helper = new PgNotificationHelper();
        private JDBCStatementTimeout connValidTimer;
        private Connection conn;
        private Properties connProperties, pub_newConnProperties;
        private String url, pub_newUrl;
        // Timestamps recording last time of poll and last time of reconnect
        // so that we can honour our delay parameters. Note that these get
        // updated even if the attempted operation fails.
        private long lastPollTimeMs, lastReconnectTimeMs, lastValidityTestMs;

        // Object to be told about any SQLExceptions we hit.
        private PgNotificationExceptionListener exceptionListener;

        private final Set<String> pub_namesToListenTo = new HashSet<String>();
        // *ONLY* test or set this while holding the monitor for namesToListenTo
        private boolean pub_namesToListenToChanged = false;

        public ConnectionPoller() {
            lastPollTimeMs = 0;
            lastReconnectTimeMs = 0;
            JDBCStatementTimeoutThread timeoutThread = new JDBCStatementTimeoutThread();
            connValidTimer = timeoutThread;
        public void run() {
            // Vars to hold copies of state
            boolean needsReconnect, runStart_namesToListenToChanged;
            final Set<String> runStart_namesToListenTo = new HashSet<String>();
            String runStart_url;
            Properties runStart_properties;
            Status runStart_targetStatus;
            // Lifetime loop
            while (true) {
                // Lock and examine externally-writable state to decide what to do.
                // Some state may need to be copied to permit updates to it
                // to run concurrently with the database work done in this thread.
                synchronized(this) {
                    if (pub_newUrl == null || pub_newConnProperties == null) {
                        // Should never be the case if we're actually run()
                        throw new IllegalStateException("newUrl and/or newConnProperties must never be null if run() called");
                    // See if there is any work to do, and if there is not, sleep
                    // until there is.
                    needsReconnect = false;
                    runStart_namesToListenToChanged = pub_namesToListenToChanged;
                    // WARNING: runStart_namesToListenTo may not be copied, unless pub_namesToListenToChanged .
                    // otherwise it will be empty and should not be relied on.
                    runStart_url = pub_newUrl;
                    runStart_properties = pub_newConnProperties;
                    runStart_targetStatus = pub_targetStatus;
                    try {
                        if (status == Status.STOPPED && pub_targetStatus == Status.STOPPED) {
                            // We're stopped. Sleep until woken by state change.
                            // Re-check to see what to do now
                        } else if (status == Status.STOPPED && pub_targetStatus == Status.LISTENING) {
                            // Needs reconnect, but we're rate limited. Make sure we
                            // sleep to honour the rate limit if needed.
                            needsReconnect = true;
                        } else if (status == Status.LISTENING && pub_targetStatus == Status.STOPPED) {
                            // We've been asked to drop the connection. No sleep needed, continue
                            // execution immediately.
                        } else if (status == Status.LISTENING && pub_targetStatus == Status.LISTENING) {
                            if (  !pub_newUrl.equals(url) || !pub_newConnProperties.equals(connProperties)) {
                                // Have connection properties changed? If so, we'll need to reconnect.
                                needsReconnect = true;
                            } else if (pub_namesToListenToChanged) {
                                // Names to listen to have changed. We'll apply the changes
                                // immediately without waiting the poll delay.
                                // First, copy names to listen to to reflect current state
                                // Now that we've recorded our intentions, we can mark that
                                // we've seen the changes so far. If something goes
                                // wrong acting on them, we'll relisten() or reconnect,
                                // so the helper will get updated one way or the other.
                                pub_namesToListenToChanged = false;
                            } else {
                                // We're just polling. Delay if necessary before executing poll.
                                long delayMs = (lastPollTimeMs + pollDelayMs) - System.currentTimeMillis();
                                if (delayMs > 0) {
                                    // Make sure nothing has changed while we waited,
                                    // such as a pollNow() call or the like.
                        } else {
                            // Unreachable without coding error
                            throw new IllegalStateException("Unreachable code reached, programmer error - new state(s) added?");
                        if (needsReconnect) {
                            long delayMs = (lastReconnectTimeMs + reconnectDelayMs) - System.currentTimeMillis();
                            if (delayMs > 0) {
                                // Make sure nothing has changed while we waited
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                        // We were woken by something. Re-check state.

                } // end of synchronized(this) block

                // (From here on, we no longer hold our monitor and may *NOT*
                // safely access the pub_ variables).
                // We're now acting on our earlier decisions. If the public
                // state changes we won't know, and it's too late to do anything
                // about it. It'll get caught next go-around.

                if (needsReconnect) {
                    // By clearing the connection we'll ensure that
                    // status is Status.STOPPED if it wasn't already.
                // Now see if we need to drop the connection or to connect
                // (in the latter case, possibly due to just having dropped
                // the connection above).
                if (status != runStart_targetStatus) {
                    switch (runStart_targetStatus) {
                        case LISTENING:
                            if (status == Status.STOPPED) {
                                connect(runStart_url, runStart_properties);
                        case STOPPED:
                            if (status == Status.LISTENING) {
                // Now, if we're in the target status (possibly due to work
                // just done above), perform the real work.
                if (status == runStart_targetStatus) {
                    switch (status) {
                        case LISTENING:
                            if ( validityTestDelayMs > 0 && (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastValidityTestMs > validityTestDelayMs) ) {
                                // Time to make sure the connection is still here
                                if (!testConnection()) {
                                    // Connection is broken and has been cleared, return to go and do not collect $200
                            if (runStart_namesToListenToChanged) {
                            // Now, if we didn't break something by updating listeners, poll()
                            if (status == Status.LISTENING)
                        case STOPPED:
                            /* do nothing */

        //------------------ THE FOLLOWING MAY *ONLY* BE CALLED FROM THE ConnectionPoller thread ------------------//

        private void reportSQLException(String msg, SQLException e) {
            final PgNotificationExceptionListener el = exceptionListener;
            if (el != null) {
                el.sqlExceptionEncountered(PgNotificationPoller.this, conn, msg, e);

        private void reportListenerException(String msg, PgNotificationListener l, Throwable e) {
            final PgNotificationExceptionListener el = exceptionListener;
            if (el != null) {
                el.listenerExceptionEncountered(PgNotificationPoller.this, msg, l, e);

        // Returns true if ok, false if problem
        // not synchronized, must not access pub members
        private boolean poll() {
            assert(status == Status.LISTENING);
            try {
                lastPollTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
                return true;
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                reportSQLException("Polling for notifications failed, will try to reconnect", e);
                return false;

        // Returns true if ok, false if problem
        // not synchronized, must not access pub members
        private boolean testConnection() {
            assert(status == Status.LISTENING);
            lastValidityTestMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
            if (isConnValid(validityTestTimeoutSeconds)) {
                return true;
            return false;

        private void checkConnWaitTimerStatus() {
            // Ensure that no statement is being waited on. If there is one,
            // something has gone horribly wrong, since this should only be
            // called from run() when we're clean and about to go around again.
            assert( ! connValidTimer.isWaiting() );

         * Test if the connection is valid and return true if so.
         * Should use Connection.isValid() ... if Pg actually implemented it.
         * @param timeoutSeconds delay before giving up on connection
         * @return true if test statement succeeded, false if failed or timeout
        private boolean isConnValid(int timeoutSeconds) {
            if (conn == null)
                return false;
            try {
                final Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
                connValidTimer.statementStarting(stmt, timeoutSeconds);
                try {
                    stmt.execute("SELECT 1;");
                } finally {
                    SQLException exc = connValidTimer.statementDone(stmt);
                    if (exc != null) {
                        reportSQLException("Error cancelling timed-out connection validity test statement", exc);
                return true;
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                reportSQLException("Connection validity test statement failed", e);
                return false;

        // always succeeds in clearing connection
        // not synchronized, must not access pub members
        private void clearConnection() {
            try {
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                reportSQLException("Problem while unlistening from probably broken connection", e);
            try {
                if (conn != null)
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                reportSQLException("Problem while closing probably broken connection", e);
            conn = null;

        // not synchronized, must not access pub members
        private void connect(String newUrl, Properties newProperties) {
            if (conn != null)
            try {
                assert(status == Status.STOPPED);
                lastReconnectTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
                conn = DriverManager.getConnection(newUrl, newProperties);
                // Will relisten as part of connect
                url = newUrl;
                connProperties = newProperties;
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                reportSQLException("Could not connect to listening channel", e);
                // Do nothing. Our status hasn't changed, and we'll try
                // to reconnect again in a bit.

        // not synchronized, must not access pub members
        private void setStatus(final Status newStatus) {
            final Status oldStatus = status;
            this.status = newStatus;
            notifyStatusListeners(oldStatus, newStatus);

        private void notifyStatusListeners(final Status oldStatus, final Status newStatus) {
            final Status targetStatus = pub_targetStatus;
            if (oldStatus != newStatus) {
                EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
                        for (PgNotificationListener l : listeners) {
                            try {
                                l.pollerStatusChanged(PgNotificationPoller.this, oldStatus, newStatus, targetStatus);
                            } catch (Throwable t) {
                                reportListenerException("PgNotificationListener.pollerStatusChanged(...)", l, t);

        public void listenersAdded(PgNotificationHelper helper, final Collection<String> names) {
            EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    for (PgNotificationListener l : listeners) {
                        try {
                            l.listenersAdded(PgNotificationPoller.this, names);
                        } catch (Throwable t) {
                            reportListenerException("PgNotificationListener.listenersAdded(...)", l, t);

        public void listenersRemoved(PgNotificationHelper helper, final Collection<String> names) {
            EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    for (PgNotificationListener l : listeners) {
                        try {
                            l.listenersRemoved(PgNotificationPoller.this, names);
                        } catch (Throwable t) {
                            reportListenerException("PgNotificationListener.listenersRemoved(...)", l, t);

        // returns true if all ok, false if conn problem
        // not synchronized, must not access pub members
        private boolean updateListeners(Set<String> namesToListenTo) {
            assert(status == Status.LISTENING);
            // Copy and clear records of what to do next
            Set<String> toAdd = null, toRemove = null;
            boolean clearAll = false;
            if (namesToListenTo.isEmpty()) {
                clearAll = true;
            } else {
                toAdd = new HashSet<String>(namesToListenTo);
                toRemove = new HashSet<String>(helper.getListenedNames());
            // then update the helper, now that we've released the namesToListenTo lock
            // and can thus perform database work without blocking anybody trying
            // to change the list of names to listen to.
            try {
                if (clearAll) {
                } else {
                    for (String l : toRemove) {
                    for (String l : toAdd) {
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                // Something went wrong while doing our update work.
                reportSQLException("Failed to update listens on helper, trying to relisten", e);
                // Reset the helper to a clean state, supplying the list of names
                // we expect it to have since we don't know what state it landed up in.
                try {
                    // TODO: Be smarter with notifications here
                    // TODO: Notify people here
                } catch (SQLException e2) {
                    reportSQLException("Failed to relisten(), re-setting connection. Notify events may be lost.", e2);
                    return false;
            return true;

        //------------------ THE FOLLOWING MAY *NOT* BE CALLED FROM THE ConnectionPoller thread ------------------//
         * Tell the poller that its desired status has changed.
         * @param newStatus New status to seek
        public synchronized void setTargetStatus(Status newStatus) {
            this.pub_targetStatus = newStatus;

         * Inform the poller that the desired connection properties have
         * changed. If the new and old properties actually differ, this will
         * trigger a reconnect.
         * @param map New properties map, which is copied for storage
        public synchronized void setNewConnectionProperties(String url, Properties map) {
            this.pub_newUrl = url;
            this.pub_newConnProperties = copyPropertiesIncludingDefaults(map);

        public synchronized void addListenedName(String name) {
            pub_namesToListenToChanged = true;

        public synchronized void removeListenedName(String name) {
            pub_namesToListenToChanged = true;

        public synchronized void clearListenedNames() {
            pub_namesToListenToChanged = true;

        public synchronized boolean pollNow() {
            lastPollTimeMs = 0;
            return status == Status.LISTENING;

        //------------------ The following may be called from any thread ------------------//
        // They must not modify any locals at all and must not even access them unless
        // they are guaranteed thread-safe, like `listeners'.

        public void notified(PgNotificationHelper helper, final long receivingBackendPid, final List<PGNotification> notices) {
            EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    for (PgNotificationListener l : listeners) {
                        try {
                            l.notified(PgNotificationPoller.this, receivingBackendPid, notices);
                        } catch (Throwable t) {
                            reportListenerException("PgNotificationListener.notified(...)", l, t);


     * Copy the properties map `input' into a new properties map.
     * Any default properties maps are merged into the new map first, so that
     * the returned map is a single properties map containing all the properties
     * of the whole defaults inheritance tree.
     * The result from calling getProperty(...) on the new map will be the same
     * as on the old map.
     * This operation is really, really not fast.
     * @param input
     * @return
    private static Properties copyPropertiesIncludingDefaults(Properties input) {
        Properties newProps = new Properties();
        for (Enumeration e = input.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
           final String key = (String) e.nextElement();
           newProps.setProperty(key, input.getProperty(key));
        return newProps;


import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;

 * A service capable of registering a statement for cancellation after
 * a timeout and of later cancelling that timer if informed that the
 * statement has finished.
 * @author Craig Ringer <>
public interface JDBCStatementTimeout {

     * Start waiting on the statement `stmt'.
     * @param stmt Wait for this statement to finish
     * @param timeoutSeconds for this long
    void statementStarting(final Statement stmt, final int timeoutSeconds );

     * Report that the statement `stmt' has finished or failed. It may have
     * failed due to our own cancellation request. 
     * @param stmt Statement to remove from waiting list
     * @return null unless task was cancelled and cancellation threw, in which case that exception
    SQLException statementDone(Statement stmt);

     * @return true if and only if waiting for one or more statements
    boolean isWaiting();


import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;

 * A fairly stupid statement timeout class, capable of tracking
 * only one statement at a time.
 * @author Craig Ringer <>
public class JDBCStatementTimeoutThread extends Thread implements JDBCStatementTimeout {
    private Statement waitingFor;
    private SQLException lastException;
    long timeRemainingMs;
    long endMillis;

    public JDBCStatementTimeoutThread() {

    public synchronized void run() {
        while (true) {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                // re-check if there's something to do and reloop if not
            while (waitingFor != null && timeRemainingMs >= 0) {
                timeRemainingMs = endMillis - System.currentTimeMillis();
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    // recheck and continue
            lastException = null;
            // done waiting or interrupted. Did we time out, or did the task finish?
            if (waitingFor != null) {
                // whoops, timeout!
                try {
                    try {
                    } finally {
                        waitingFor = null;
                } catch (SQLException e) {
                    // Not running on the main worker thread so we can't
                    // safely call reportSQLException(...). Note it down
                    // so the main worker thread can check and report
                    // it later.
                    lastException = e;

    public synchronized void statementStarting(final Statement stmt, final int timeoutSeconds ) {
        if (waitingFor != null)
            throw new IllegalStateException("Already waiting for completion of statement " + waitingFor);
        waitingFor = stmt;
        timeRemainingMs = timeoutSeconds * 1000;
        endMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeRemainingMs;

    public synchronized SQLException statementDone(Statement stmt) {
        if (waitingFor != null && waitingFor != stmt) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Statement reported as done, " + stmt + ", was not statement waited for " + waitingFor);
        SQLException lastExc = lastException;
        waitingFor = null;
        lastException = null;
        return lastExc;

    public boolean isWaiting() {
        return waitingFor != null;



This code originally by Craig Ringer <>, to whom all the great many bug complaints and curses should be directed.