Backend killer function
Backend Killer Function
7.x – 8.3
Author: Emanuel Calvo Franco
This function is only useful on 8.3 and earlier; on newer PostgreSQL versions (8.4 and up), you can use the pg_terminate_backend() function.
This function sends a TERM signal to kill the server process indicated in the parameter.
Be aware that all PostgreSQL versions prior to 8.4 are known to have the potential to leave stuck locks or other corruption of shared-memory data structures if backends are killed in this way. In most cases these are low probability events; but if they do occur it will be necessary to restart the postmaster in order to clear them out. (Internally, prior to version 8.4, the postmaster only uses the TERM signal when it is in the process of shutting down anyway.)
create or replace function pg_terminate_backend(int) returns int
language plperlu security definer volatile as $$
$pid = shift;
my $myPid = spi_exec_query('select pg_backend_pid();');
if ($pid == $myPid->{rows}[0]->{pg_backend_pid}){
elog(WARNING, "this PID belongs to the current server process");
return 1;
my $othersesions = spi_exec_query('SELECT procpid FROM pg_stat_activity');
my $numRows = $othersesions->{processed};
foreach my $rn (0 .. $numRows - 1) {
my $rs = $othersesions->{rows}[$rn];
if ($rs->{procpid} == $pid){
$ret = kill TERM, $pid;
elog WARNING, "could not send signal TERM to $pid: $!" unless $ret == 1;
return $ret;
elog(WARNING, "PID $pid is not a PostgreSQL server process");
return 1;
(Note that this function assumes that the stats collector is running.)
How do I find the PID of the session I want to kill?
To find out the PID of the current session, run
select pg_backend_pid();
but of course you cannot kill that one with this function.
This query lists the PIDs of currently active processes, and the SQL commands they are running:
select procpid, current_query from pg_stat_activity;
procpid | current_query ---------+------------------------------------------------------ 2033 | <IDLE> 2478 | select procpid, current_query from pg_stat_activity; (2 rows)
You can also try using your operating system's process listing:
$ ps feu -C postmaster -C postgres USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND postgres 1402 0.0 0.2 63748 4960 pts/8 S 20:05 0:00 postmaster PGDATA=/pgsql/install/83 postgres 1409 0.0 0.0 63748 1272 ? Ss 20:05 0:00 \_ postgres: writer process postgres 1410 0.0 0.0 63748 1076 ? Ss 20:05 0:00 \_ postgres: wal writer process postgres 1411 0.0 0.0 63884 1508 ? Ss 20:05 0:00 \_ postgres: autovacuum launcher process postgres 1412 0.0 0.0 34240 1196 ? Ss 20:05 0:00 \_ postgres: stats collector process postgres 2033 0.0 0.2 65236 5768 ? Ss 20:12 0:00 \_ postgres: postgres postgres [local] idle idle