PostgreSQL packages for Debian and Ubuntu
The PostgreSQL Global Development Group (PGDG) maintains an APT repository of PostgreSQL packages for Debian and Ubuntu located at https://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/. We aim at building PostgreSQL server packages as well as extensions and modules packages on several Debian/Ubuntu releases for all PostgreSQL versions supported.
Currently, we support
- Debian bullseye (11), bookworm (12), trixie (testing/13) and sid (unstable)
- Ubuntu focal (20.04), jammy (22.04), noble (24.04), oracular (24.10, amd64 only), plucky (25.04, amd64 only)
- Architectures: amd64 (64-bit x86), arm64 (64-bit ARM), ppc64el (little-endian 64-bit POWER)
- PostgreSQL 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 devel
- Server extensions such as PostGIS, various PL languages, and datatypes
- Applications like omnidb, pgbouncer, and pgpool-II
PostgreSQL versions down to 8.2 exist in the repositories for salvaging old installations. Packages for older Debian/Ubuntu distributions are moved to https://apt-archive.postgresql.org.
sudo apt install -y postgresql-common sudo /usr/share/postgresql-common/pgdg/apt.postgresql.org.sh
Manual Repository Configuration
Import the repository key from https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc:
sudo apt install curl ca-certificates sudo install -d /usr/share/postgresql-common/pgdg sudo curl -o /usr/share/postgresql-common/pgdg/apt.postgresql.org.asc --fail https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc
Create /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list. The distributions are called codename-pgdg. In the example, replace bookworm with the actual distribution you are using. File contents:
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/postgresql-common/pgdg/apt.postgresql.org.asc] https://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt bookworm-pgdg main
(You may determine the codename of your distribution by running lsb_release -c). For a script version of the above file creation, presuming you are using a supported release:
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/postgresql-common/pgdg/apt.postgresql.org.asc] https://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list'
Finally, update the package lists, and start installing packages:
sudo apt update sudo apt install postgresql-16
Have a look at the FAQ.
The above does not add the sources repo (deb-src) commented out; if you need source packages, you will need to modify /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list to add it.
This repository provides "postgresql" and "postgresql-client" meta-packages that depend on the latest postgresql-xy, ... packages, similar to the ones present in Debian and Ubuntu. Once a new PostgreSQL version is released, these meta-packages will be updated to depend on the new version. If you rather want to stay with a particular PostgreSQL version, you should install specific packages like "postgresql-15" instead of "postgresql".
For packages of development/alpha/beta versions of PostgreSQL, see the FAQ entry about beta versions.
- 2025-03-12: s390x on hold: https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/Z9Gn0VV4fJ8qT8tL%40msg.df7cb.de
- 2025-02-20: New ppc64el build host at OSUOSL, thanks IBM Montpellier for having hosted the old one!
- 2025-02-17: New Jenkins host, new arm64 build host, reconsidering s390x, "pgapt" git moved to salsa.debian.org, Redmine closing down, Ubuntu plucky 25.04 support added: https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/Z7NOZfzU6_1L5VAr%40msg.df7cb.de
- 2024-07-30: EOL for Debian buster and 32-bit architectures: https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/Zqj_4nlZEqfbQ2aM%40msg.df7cb.de
- 2024-04-16: Ubuntu lunar archived, Debian buster in LTS mode: https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/Zh4mhiDeYdtXPbIM%40msg.df7cb.de
- 2023-11-20: New architecture s390x: https://www.cybertec-postgresql.com/en/postgresql-on-s390x/
- 2023-11-05: Ubuntu bionic (18.04) and kinetic (22.10) removed from apt.postgresql.org.
- 2023-08-17: Ubuntu bionic (18.04) moving to apt-archive.postgresql.org: https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/ZN4OigxPJA236qlg%40msg.df7cb.de
- 2022-11-11: Repository key handling changed: https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/Y25%2BRkZxiZKBOKio%40msg.df7cb.de
- 2022-11-07: Debian stretch (9) has been removed: https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/Y2kmqL%2BpCuSZiQBV%40msg.df7cb.de
- 2022-09-19: Ubuntu xenial and impish have been removed from apt.postgresql.org.
- 2022-08-12: Debian stretch (9) is no longer supported and will be removed from apt.postgresql.org at the end of October: https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/YvZaQJpK2TE0nw%2BK%40msg.df7cb.de
- 2022-07-24: Ubuntu impish (21.10) is no longer supported
- 2022-07-06: Ubuntu groovy (20.10) and hirsute (21.04) have been migrated to apt-archive.postgresql.org. xenial (16.04) has been copied as well, and will be removed from apt.postgresql.org at the end of August.
- 2022-07-05:
- PostgreSQL 16devel packages added, see Apt/FAQ#Development_snapshots
- The repository now features *-pgdg-snapshot distributions with snapshot builds of all packages
- We have a Twitter feed now
- 2022-02-16: Ubuntu jammy (22.04) added, hirsute (21.04) is no longer supported
- 2021-09-30: PostgreSQL 14 released
- 2021-08-12: Ubuntu impish (21.10) support added; groovy is no longer supported
- 2021-06-30: PostgreSQL 15devel packages added, see Apt/FAQ#Development_snapshots
- 2021-05-20: PostgreSQL 14beta1 added, Ubuntu xenial (16.04) deprecated, Ubuntu hirsute (21.04) added
- 2021-01-28: Distributions moving to apt-archive.postgresql.org: jessie wheezy eoan disco trusty precise: https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/YBMtd6nRuXyU2zS4%40msg.df7cb.de
Older news items: Apt/OldNews
- Mailing list: pgsql-pkg-debian@postgresql.org (Archives)
- IRC channel: #postgresql-apt @ irc.libera.chat
- Christoph Berg (Cybertec)
- Marco Nenciarini (EnterpriseDB)
- Michael Banck (credativ)
Past Contributors
- Dimitri Fontaine
- Magnus Hagander
Please report bugs:
- on the pgsql-pkg-debian@postgresql.org mailing list, or
- open an issue on salsa.debian.org, or
- open a bug in the Debian BTS.
Work on setting up the archive was kindly supported by credativ, 2ndQuadrant, Redpill Linpro, and funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement 258862.
The Jenkins CI server was kindly hosted by DG-i from the very beginning of the project until 2024 when it moved to postgresql.org infrastructure.
The ARM build server was kindly hosted by HUAWEI Cloud Services from 2020 until 2025 when it moved to postgresql.org infrastructure.
The ppc64el build server was kindly hosted by IBM Power Systems Linux Center, Montpellier from 2016 until 2025. It is now kindly hosted by Oregon State University Open Source Lab.
The s390x build server is kindly hosted by the IBM LinuxONE Community Cloud at Marist College.
The repository and the x86 build server are hosted on postgresql.org infrastructure.