This list contains some known PostgreSQL bugs, some feature requests, and some things we are not even sure we want. Many of these items are hard, and some are perhaps impossible. If you would like to work on an item, please read the Developer FAQ first. There is also a development information page.
- marks incomplete items
- [D]
- marks changes that are done, and will appear in the PostgreSQL 17 release.
Over time, it may become clear that a TODO item has become outdated or otherwise determined to be either too controversial or not worth the development effort. Such items should be retired to the Not Worth Doing page.
For help on editing this list, please see Talk:Todo. Please do not add or remove items here without discussion on the mailing list.
Development Process
WARNING for Developers: Unfortunately this list does not contain all the information necessary for someone to start coding a feature. Some of these items might have become unnecessary since they were added --- others might be desirable but the implementation might be unclear. When selecting items listed below, be prepared to first discuss the value of the feature. Do not assume that you can select one, code it and then expect it to be committed. Always discuss design on Hackers list before starting to code. The flow should be:
Desirability -> Design -> Implement -> Test -> Review -> Commit
Check for unreferenced table files created by transactions that were in-progress when the server terminated abruptly
Allow log_min_messages to be specified on a per-module basis
- This would allow administrators to see more detailed information from specific sections of the backend, e.g. checkpoints, autovacuum, etc. Another idea is to allow separate configuration files for each module, or allow arbitrary SET commands to be passed to them. See also Logging Brainstorm.
Maintain an approximate xid->"time of assignment" mapping. This would allow controlling the maximum effect of hot_standby_feedback on the primary, and would be useful for other features.
Allow WAL replay of CREATE TABLESPACE to work when the directory structure on the recovery computer is different from the original
Statistics Collector
Testing pgstat via pg_regress is tricky and inefficient. Consider making a dedicated pgstat test-suite.
Standby server mode
Data Types
Text Search
- XMLDocument:
- XMLCast:
- XMLText:
- XMLNamespaces: (for XMLElement)
XML Canonical: Convert XML documents to canonical form to compare them. libxml2 has support for this.
Add pretty-printed XML output option
- Parse a document and serialize it back in some indented form. libxml2 might support this.
Allow XML shredding
- In some cases shredding could be better option (if there is no need to keep XML docs entirely, e.g. if we have already developed tools that understand only relational data. This would be a separate module that implements annotated schema decomposition technique, similar to DB2 and SQL Server functionality.
Prevent malicious functions from being executed with the permissions of unsuspecting users
- Indexed functions are safe, so VACUUM and ANALYZE are safe too. Triggers, CHECK and DEFAULT expressions, and rules are still vulnerable.
Add array_sort function
- Probably beginner-friendly, given that we already have array_shuffle and intarray::sort to reference. Plus most everything is order-able due to btree indexes.
Multi-Language Support
Change memory allocation for multi-byte functions so memory is allocated inside conversion functions
- Currently we preallocate memory based on worst-case usage.
Add ability to use case-insensitive regular expressions on multi-byte characters
- Currently it works for UTF-8, but not other multi-byte encodings
Improve encoding of connection startup messages sent to the client
- Currently some authentication error messages are sent in the server encoding
Views and Rules
SQL Commands
Improve type determination of unknown (NULL or quoted literal) result columns for UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT
Allow prepared transactions with temporary tables created and dropped in the same transaction, and when an ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS temporary table is accessed
Add DEFAULT .. AS OWNER so permission checks are done as the table owner
- This would be useful for SERIAL nextval() calls and CHECK constraints.
Add comments on system tables/columns using the information in catalogs.sgml
- Ideally the information would be pulled from the SGML file automatically.
Move NOT NULL constraint information to pg_constraint
Currently NOT NULL constraints are stored in pg_attribute without any designation of their origins, e.g. primary keys. One manifest problem is that dropping a PRIMARY KEY constraint does not remove the NOT NULL constraint designation. Another issue is that we should probably force NOT NULL to be propagated from parent tables to children, just as CHECK constraints are. (But then does dropping PRIMARY KEY affect children?)
- Prevent ALTER TABLE DROP NOT NULL on child tables if parent column has it
Improve performance of EvalPlanQual mechanism that rechecks already-updated rows
- This is related to the previous item, which questions whether it even has the right semantics
Add system that disables HOT and block-local updates when there are significant amounts of free space earlier in the table, and automates updating the tuples in the tail of the table.
- This moves tuples more to the front of the table, increasing the chance a subsequent VACUUM operation can truncate parts of the table.
Allow moving system tables to other tablespaces, where possible
- Currently non-global system tables must be in the default database tablespace. Global system tables can never be moved.
Automatically maintain clustering on a table
- This might require some background daemon to maintain clustering during periods of low usage. It might also require tables to be only partially filled for easier reorganization. Another idea would be to create a merged heap/index data file so an index lookup would automatically access the heap data too. A third idea would be to store heap rows in hashed groups, perhaps using a user-supplied hash function.
Have EXPLAIN ANALYZE issue NOTICE messages when the estimated and actual row counts differ by a specified percentage
Window Functions
See TODO items for window functions.
Support creation of user-defined window functions
- We have the ability to create new window functions written in C. Is it worth the effort to create an API that would let them be written in PL/pgsql, etc?
Investigate tuplestore performance issues
- The tuplestore_in_memory() thing is just a band-aid, we ought to try to solve it properly. tuplestore_advance seems like a weak spot as well.
Integrity Constraints
Referential Integrity
Fix problem when cascading referential triggers make changes on cascaded tables, seeing the tables in an intermediate state
Check Constraints
Server-Side Languages
Rethink query plan caching and timing of parse analysis within SQL-language functions
- They should work more like plpgsql functions do ...
Allow listing of record column names, and access to record columns via variables, e.g. columns := r.(*), tval2 := r.(colname)
Allow row and record variables to be set to NULL constants, and allow NULL tests on such variables
- Because a row is not scalar, do not allow assignment from NULL-valued scalars.
Create a new restricted execution class that will allow passing function arguments in as locals. Passing them as globals means functions cannot be called recursively.
Move psql backslash database information into the backend, use mnemonic commands?
- This would allow non-psql clients to pull the same information out of the database as psql.
Add a \set variable to control whether \s displays line numbers
- Another option is to add \# which lists line numbers, and allows command execution.
Add option to wrap column values at whitespace boundaries, rather than chopping them at a fixed width.
- Currently, "wrapped" format chops values into fixed widths. Perhaps the word wrapping could use the same algorithm documented in the W3C specification.
pg_dump / pg_restore
Dump security labels and comments on databases in a way that allows to load a dump into a differently named database
Add full object name to the tag field. eg. for operators we need '=(integer, integer)', instead of just '='.
Avoid using platform-dependent names for locales in pg_dumpall output
- Using native locale names puts roadblocks in the way of porting a dump to another platform. One possible solution is to get CREATE DATABASE to accept some agreed-on set of locale names and fix them up to meet the platform's requirements.
Handle large object comments
- This is difficult to do because the large object doesn't exist when --schema-only is loaded.
Desired changes that would prevent upgrades with pg_upgrade
- 32-bit page checksums
- Add metapage to GiST indexes
- Clean up hstore's internal representation
- Remove tuple infomask bit HEAP_MOVED_OFF and HEAP_MOVED_IN
- fix char() index trailing space handling
- Use non-collation-aware comparisons for GIN opclasses
- Document differences between ecpg and the SQL standard and information about the Informix-compatibility module.
When receiving a FATAL error remember it, so that it doesn't profess ingnorance about why the session was closed
Improve storage of deferred trigger queue
- Right now all deferred trigger information is stored in backend memory. This could exhaust memory for very large trigger queues. This item involves dumping large queues into files, or doing some kind of join to process all the triggers, some bulk operation, or a bitmap.
With disabled triggers, allow pg_dump to use ALTER TABLE ADD FOREIGN KEY
- If the dump is known to be valid, allow foreign keys to be added without revalidating the data.
When statement-level triggers are defined on a parent table, have them fire only on the parent table, and fire child table triggers only where appropriate
Allow unique indexes across inherited tables (requires multi-table indexes)
- Postgres 11 allows unique indexes across partitions if the partition key is part of the index.
Research whether ALTER TABLE / SET SCHEMA should work on inheritance hierarchies (and thus support ONLY)
ALTER TABLE variants sometimes support recursion and sometimes not, but this is poorly/not documented, and the ONLY marker would then be silently ignored. Clarify the documentation, and reject ONLY if it is not supported.
Prevent index uniqueness checks when UPDATE does not modify the column
- Uniqueness (index) checks are done when updating a column even if the column is not modified by the UPDATE. However, HOT already short-circuits this in common cases, so more work might not be helpful.
Allow multiple indexes to be created concurrently, ideally via a single heap scan
- pg_restore allows parallel index builds, but it is done via subprocesses, and there is no SQL interface for this. Cluster could definitely benefit from this.
Consider using "effective_io_concurrency" for index scans
- Currently only bitmap scans use this, which might be fine because most multi-row index scans use bitmap scans.
Allow "loose" scans on btree indexes in which the first column has low cardinality
- Re: Loose Index Scans by Planner
- On -hackers, but using the term "skip scan" instead of "loose index scan": Index Skip Scan, and Index Skip Scan (new UniqueKeys)
Allow "skip" scans on multi-column btree indexes This means applying techniques similar to those detailed in the Multidimensional Access Method (MDAM) paper
Allow multi-column hash indexes
- This requires all columns to be specified for a query to use the index.
- Write Ahead Logging for Hash Indexes
Allow sorts of skinny tuples to use even more available memory.
- Now that it is not limited by MaxAllocSize, don't limit by INT_MAX either.
Cache Usage
Consider automatic caching of statements at various levels:
- Parsed query tree
- Query execute plan
- Query results
- Cached Query Plans (was: global prepared statements)
- PoC plpgsql - possibility to force custom or generic plan
- Cached/global query plans, autopreparation
Consider allowing higher priority queries to have referenced shared buffer pages stay in memory longer
Better regexp cache management:
- This would be fairly isolated, but involve memory management, error handling, data structures, GUCs.
- Each backend has a cache of compiled regular expressions. If you run
SELECT 'abc' ~ 'a.c'
, thenSELECT ident FROM pg_backend_memory_contexts WHERE name = 'RegexpMemoryContext'
will show the cached expression. - Currently the size of the cache is fixed at MAX_CACHED_RES (32), and the array of cached expressions is searched linearly by RE_compile_and_cache(), with a performance mitigation that recently used expressions are moved to the front of the array. An application making heavy use of regular expressions might want to increase the limit, possibly expressing it using something like
SET regexp_cache_size='1MB'
, and to index it with a hash table, possibly using simplehash.h, while still maintaining an LRU list, possibly using dlist.
Bias FSM towards returning free space near the beginning of the heap file, in hopes that empty pages at the end can be truncated by VACUUM
Prevent long-lived temporary tables from causing frozen-xid advancement starvation
- The problem is that autovacuum cannot vacuum them to set frozen xids; only the session that created them can.
Fix problem when multiple subtransactions of the same outer transaction hold different types of locks, and one subtransaction aborts
Startup Time Improvements
Write-Ahead Log
Eliminate need to write full pages to WAL before page modification
Currently, to protect against partial disk page writes, we write full page images to WAL before they are modified so we can correct any partial page writes during recovery. These pages can also be eliminated from point-in-time archive files.
- Re: Index Scans become Seq Scans after VACUUM ANALYSE
- WIP double writes
- double writes
- Double-write with Fast Checksums
- double writes using "double-write buffer" approach
When full page writes are off, write CRC to WAL and check file system blocks on recovery
- If CRC check fails during recovery, remember the page in case a later CRC for that page properly matches. The difficulty is that hint bits are not WAL logged, meaning a valid page might not match the earlier CRC.
Write full pages during file system write and not when the page is modified in the buffer cache
- This allows most full page writes to happen in the background writer. It might cause problems for applying WAL on recovery into a partially-written page, but later the full page will be replaced from WAL.
Speed WAL recovery by allowing more than one page to be prefetched
- This should be done utilizing the same infrastructure used for prefetching in general to avoid introducing complex error-prone code in WAL replay.
Use less bytes to store the information of WAL records.
The WAL record format is quite verbose, and often contains more bytes than necessary for redo and decoding. By updating the WAL format we can reduce the average WAL record size of e.g. pgbench by several percent.
- Updating the WAL infrastructure tracks progress on some active development
- Re: RFC: WAL infrastructure issues, updates and improvements
Optimizer / Executor
Consider adding a useful and convenient way of seeing paths rejected by the planner. OPTIMIZER_DEBUG does this so some extent but it seemingly gets very little use and must be enabled during compilation.
Log statements where the optimizer row estimates were dramatically different from the number of rows actually found?
Add planner support for cardinality-reducing functions
- estimate_num_groups currently assumes (under item 2 in its header comment) that any function on an attribute won't meaningfully decrease the cardinality (number of groups) generated from that attribute, i.e. num_groups(a) ~= num_groups(f(a)). However, for truncating functions such as int4mod, date_trunc, or date_bin, this assumption is wrong and will result in plans that can significnatly overestimate the number of groups.
Background Writer
Consider having the background writer update the transaction status hint bits before writing out the page
- Implementing this requires the background writer to have access to system catalogs and the transaction status log.
Test to see if calling PreallocXlogFiles() from the background writer will help with WAL segment creation latency
Concurrent Use of Resources
Do async I/O for faster random read-ahead of data
- Async I/O allows multiple I/O requests to be sent to the disk with results coming back asynchronously. The above patch is already applied as of 8.4, but it still remains to figure out how to handle plain indexscans effectively.
Miscellaneous Performance
Allow configuration of backend priorities via the operating system
- Though backend priorities make priority inversion during lock waits possible, research shows that this is not a huge problem.
Consider Cartesian joins when both relations are needed to form an indexscan qualification for a third relation
Consider decreasing the I/O caused by updating tuple hint bits
- Hint Bits and Write I/O
- Re: [HACKERS] Hint Bits and Write I/O
Restructure truncation logic to be more resistant to failure
- This also involves not writing dirty buffers for a truncated or dropped relation
Enhance foreign data wrappers, parallelism, partitioning, and perhaps add a global snapshot/transaction manager to allow creation of a proof-of-concept built-in sharding solution
- Ideally these enhancements and new facilities will be available to external sharding solutions as well.
Miscellaneous Other
Allow pg_export_snapshot() to run on hot standby servers
- This will allow parallel pg_dump on such servers.
Provide a way to enumerate and unregister background workers
- Right now the only way to unregister bgworkers is from within the worker with proc_exit(0) or registering with BGW_NEVER_RESTART
Source Code
Consider making NAMEDATALEN more configurable
There is demand for making 128 the default, but there are also concerns about storage and memory usage and performance. So a rearchitecting to make the storage variable-length might be preferred.
- Discussions when it was changed from 32 to 64: [4] [5] [6] [7]
- Revisiting NAMEDATALEN
- NAMEDATALEN increase because of non-latin languages (contains ideas about variable-length storage)
Wire Protocol Changes / v4 Protocol
place like application_name but for arbitrary labels, and protocol support to pass labels inline with the query instead of a separate round trip. at present, things like sqlcommenter that add labels to queries to support tracing (eg. OpenTelemetry) break pg_stat_statements usefulness bc every query has trace_id in comments.
Let the client indicate character encoding of database names, user names, passwords, and of pre-auth error messages returned by the server
Use compression
- Specify and implement wire protocol compression. If SSL transparent compression is used, hopefully avoid the overhead of key negotiation and encryption when SSL is configured only for compression. Note that compression is being removed from TLS 1.3 so we really need to do it ourselves.
Update clients to use data types, typmod, schema.table.column names of result sets using new statement protocol
Allow re-authentication
- Let the client request re-authentication as a different user mid session, for connection pools that pass through the handshake.
Allow negotiation of encryption, STARTTLS style, rather than forcing client to decide on SSL or !SSL before connecting
Send client the xid when it is allocated
- Lets the client later ask the server "did this commit or not?" after interterminate result due to crash or connection loss
Report xlog position in commit message
- Help enable client-side failover by providing a token clients can use to see if a commit has replayed to replicas yet
Clarify semantics of statement_timeout in extended query protocol
- Batched and pipelined queries have unexpected behaviour with statement_timeout. Client needs to be able to specify statement boundary with protocol message.
Exotic Features
Add pre-parsing phase that converts non-ISO syntax to supported syntax
- This could allow SQL written for other databases to run without modification.
Add features of Oracle-style packages
- A package would be a schema with session-local variables, public/private functions, and initialization functions. It is also possible to implement these capabilities in any schema and not use a separate "packages" syntax at all.